HIPMI’s Contribution to Indonesia, Printing Entrepreneurs to Young Leaders

JAKARTA – This year the Indonesian Young Entrepreneurs Association (HIPMI) is 50 years old. During this period, HIPMI was considered capable of making an important contribution to the progress of the Indonesian economy through its various programs. HIPMI not only produces entrepreneurs, but also produces young leaders in this country.

As an organization, HIPMI is a candradimuka crater for young entrepreneurs, which is very important in shaping the character and ability of its cadres to respond to the challenges of the times.

“HIPMI always equips its cadres through education and training. With adequate skills, it can encourage the creation of creative, quality and competitive human resources (HR), as well as technology and information literacy,” said Mardani H Maming, Friday (27/5) in Jakarta.

The establishment of this organization, continued Mardani H Maming, was based on the spirit to grow entrepreneurship among the youth.

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HIPMI, said Mardani, was formed as a forum for the business world that can accommodate and gather the aspirations of young Indonesian entrepreneurs where they are also responsible for economic growth and national security, as well as participate in finding and shaping the identity of national entrepreneurs both now and in the future, in the process of acceleration and development. modernization.

In its journey until the economic crisis in 1998, HIPMI which was founded on June 10, 1972 by Abdul Latief, has succeeded in creating entrepreneurial regeneration, with the appearance of young figures in the national and international business world. This situation can then change the public’s view of the entrepreneur profession in a respectable position.

“HIPMI is motivated by the ASEAN KADIN Conference which aims to be equal in the future”
with other young entrepreneurs at the international level. HIPMI continues to make efforts to move the nation’s economic sector. One of HIPMI’s efforts is to actively participate in the micro, small and medium enterprise (MSME) sector. HIPMI helps SMEs by providing capital,” said Mardani H Maming.

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In addition, continued Mardani, HIPMI also participates in monitoring the policies made by the Indonesian government. HIPMI also keeps a close watch on the development of the Indonesian economic situation, and deems it necessary to respond and take strategic steps, not only for the benefit of the organization, but especially for the economy of the Indonesian nation and state.
“In the past 50 years, this organization has given birth not only to young entrepreneurs but also young leaders. We want to prove that HIPMI is a great organization and its cadres are ready to become young leaders and entrepreneurs,” said Mardani H Maming.

As the current chairman of the HIPMI BPP, Mardani H Maming stated that he is committed to continuing the HIPMI struggle.

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“This is in accordance with HIPMI’s motto, namely Entrepreneur Warrior – Entrepreneur Warrior, which means that HIPMI cadres are not only expected to become strong national entrepreneurs but also entrepreneurs who have a national perspective and have concern for the demands of the people’s conscience,” said Mardani H Maming.

Mardani disclosed, currently the number of entrepreneurs in Indonesia is only around 3.4 percent. This number is still insufficient to be a requirement as a developed country, because to become a developed country, Indonesia requires 12 to 14 percent of entrepreneurs.

“I hope that HIPMI’s struggle to produce entrepreneurs or young entrepreneurs can continue from year to year, so that the number continues to increase. And in time Indonesia will become a developed country,” said Mardani H Maming.

Anang Fadhilah