South Kalimantan Become the Gateway to the State Capital

BANJARBARU – The Provincial Government of South Kalimantan has prepared a number of strategic infrastructure to become the main front porch of the new capital city.

This was conveyed by the Head of the Regional Development Planning Agency (Bappeda) of South Kalimantan, H Nurul Fajar Desara, in Banjarbaru, Friday (7/2/2020) afternoon.

“Currently we are preparing to build Mekar Putih port to become international,” he explained

Other preparations for the construction of swamps to support food, industrial areas, dams, energy, the Banjarbaru-Batulicin highway, the Pulau Laut bridge, and Banjar Bakula.

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Development of the western causeway from Batola to Tabalong until East Kalimantan, and what is no less important is tourism, “he said

Fajar said that all infrastructure will be meaningless if it is not supported by superior and healthy human resources

“To support superior and healthy human resources, we build various educational facilities such as airports, shipping, tourism, arts and culture, fisheries and marine, industry, geology, construction of cardiac and nervous services hospitals,” he said.

In his opinion, with such a comprehensive plan, South Kalimantan will become a good front page for the nation’s capital.

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“This is suitable with the wishes of the Governor of South Kalimantan, H Sahbirin Noor, that South Kalimantan will pick up the world,” he said.

In concrete steps, the South Kalimantan Provincial Government has proposed this strategic infrastructure to Bappenas

“Those who have entered the Banjarbakula area, the Batulicin and Jorong Industrial Zone, we also propose the Mekar Putih KEK, which has a port, to the KEK Council. We have also prepared the Banjarbaru-Batulicin highway, “he said.

According to him, South Kalimantan deserves to be the main front yard of the capital city due to its very strategic location, which is in the middle of Indonesia, free from earthquakes and located in ALKI I and II, and has the potential for swamps of up to 500 thousand hectares.

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He said, even the moment of National Press Day which was held in South Kalimantan carried the theme of South Kalimantan being the Gateway to the State Capital.

“We hope that the press can bring this more up, so that it can be heard by the central government,” he said.

Anang Fadhilah