Global CEO Foundation of Indonesia Holds Vaccine at Moeldoko Mosque

Jombang – Indonesia Global CEO Foundation held a vaccination. This time the vaccination event took place at the Islamic Moeldoko Center (Moeldoko Mosque) in Jombang, East Java. Vaccination targets with the tagline Hallo Jombang, Vaccine Yuk! Reached 1000 participants by using Sinovac vaccine. It is hoped that this vaccination will accelerate the formation of Herd Immunity in each region.


Chairman of the Indonesian Global CEO Foundation, Trisya Suherman said, since April 2021 the Indonesia Global CEO Foundation has focused on helping the government to accelerate the vaccination process. Initially, the Global CEO Indonesia Foundation held vaccinations in Jabodetabek. Meanwhile, the vaccination was held in Jombang because there was information from the person in charge of the mosque that many local residents had not been vaccinated.

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“Last week, we surveyed the location and it was realized this week. Mr. Moeldoko was also present at this vaccination,” said Trisya Suherman in her statement, Friday (17/9/2021).


“We chose the Jombang area for equal distribution of vaccinations. As we know, big cities such as Surabaya and Jakarta are the focus of the government to distribute vaccines in large quantities. For this reason, small cities need to be considered in order to create justice and equitable healing, ” he added.

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The woman who is familiarly called Icha revealed that the CEO-Jombang Vaccine Activity was attended by a number of people. Some of them, there are students, local communities, and the elderly. The health workers who carry out vaccinations come from hospitals. Air Force Soemitro, Air Base Moeljono with the Bandar Kedungmulyo Public Health Center.


“The second vaccine will be implemented at the end of October. We hope that the second vaccination can also be carried out as well as the first vaccination,” he explained.

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Icha admitted, vaccination activities have often been carried out by the CEO of the East Java Chapter. Vaccination activities that are held are usually assisted by local TNI and Polri officers, as well as health workers from local hospitals based on the capacity of the vaccination participants.


“We all the committee hope that this mass vaccination activity can have a broad and equitable impact, so that the prevention of the corona virus is faster than its transmission. Thus the economic wheel can turn again and the Indonesian economy will be better,” he hoped.


Anang Fadhilah