Successfully Uncovered 300 Kilograms of Methamphetamine, 42 Police Officers Awarded

South Kalimantan Police Chief Inspector General Nico Afinta gave an award to the ranks of the South Kalimantan Regional Police for their achievements in disclosing international drug syndicates.

Banjarmasin – After receiving an award from the Governor of South Kalimantan for the success of disclosing cases of international drug network with 300 kilograms of methamphetamine evidence recently, this time it was the turn of the South Kalimantan Police Chief Inspector General Nico Afinta to give an award to the ranks of the Directorate of Drug Research (Ditresnarkoba) of South Kalimantan Police Department for that extraordinary achievement.

South Kalimantan Police Department Chief Inspector General Pol Nico Afinta gave awards to 42 members of the South Kalimantan Police Department for their achievements in uncovering and arresting the suspected perpetrators of drug crime with 300 kilograms of evidence preceded by the disclosure of 208 kilograms in the Mathilda Batlayeri Hall of the South Kalimantan Police Department, Friday ( 25/09/2020) morning.

As for those who received the award, among others, the Director of Narcotics Commissioner Iwan Eka Putra, Deputy Director of Drugs Police Grand Commissioner Adjutant Budi Hermanto, Head of the Sub Directorate 2 Police Grand Commissioner Adjutant Ugeng Sudia Permana, Police Commissioner Nico Irawan and dozens of other members.

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The award was given symbolically to Head of the Sub Directorate 2 Police Grand Commissioner Adjutant Ugeng Sudia Permana along with other award recipients outside the ranks of Ditresnarkoba.

South Kalimantan Police Department Chief Inspector General Pol Nico Afinta accompanied by South Kalimantan Police Department Deputy Brigadier General Pol Mohamad Agung Budijono, and Irwasda Polda Police Grand Commissioner Heri Armanto Sutikno said this award was given to members who excel and work above their calling.

For members of the South Kalimantan Police Department’s Narcotics Directorate who have succeeded in uncovering a case of 300 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine.

“Previously, the 208 kilograms case has been revealed, so the total evidence of methamphetamine is 508 kilograms. This is one of the biggest disclosures outside the South Kalimantan Regional Police except in Java,” said the Regional Police Chief to reporters after giving the award.

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Meanwhile, Head of the Sub Directorate 2 Police Grand Commissioner Adjutant Ugeng Sudia Permana said that on behalf of the members of the South Kalimantan Police Department Ditresnarkoba, he thanked the Chief of South Kalimantan Police Department for the award.

“In the future, we will do better and this award will motivate us to work even better,” said Ugeng.

Based on the release received by Barito Post, the members of Ditresnarkoba who received the award were Police Commissioner Puryanto, Police Commissioner Adjutant Manaris Hutapea, First Police Inspector Saridanu, Second Police Inspector Toni Hartono, Second Police Inspector Alif Tri Wibowo, Second Police Inspector Alamsyah Sugiarto, Second Police Inspector Yara Ulfa Riyani.

Then Second Police Inspector Adjutant Dedy Susanto, Second Police Inspector Adjutant Tri Hermawan, Second Police Inspector Adjutant Sri Widowati, Chief Police Brigadier Rianto, Chief Police Brigadier Hartono, Chief Police Brigadier Dedi Yuliassono, Chief Police Brigadier Gusti. M. Ridho, Chief Police Brigadier Charles M Panjaitan, Chief Police Brigadier Andi Winarno, Chief Police Brigadier Hamka, Chief Police Brigadier Ahmad Zulfikrie, Chief Police Brigadier Eko Sulistianor, Chief Police Brigadier Yudi Indra Pratama ,, Brigadier Dewan, Brigadier Akhmad Rizkan.

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Brigadier Budian Noor, Brigadier Misran, First Police Brigadier Bernando, First Police Brigadier I Gusti Made D. N, First Police Brigadier Perdinan Sirait, S, First Police Brigadier Veri, First Police Brigadier Arieo Delano K, First Police Brigadier Anisa Putri, First Police Brigadier Miftachul Hudha, First Police Brigadier Dito Prasetyo, First Police Brigadier Denny Agung Triyanto.

Furthermore, Second Police Brigadier Hanif Putro Utomo, Second Police Brigadier Rizky Amanda Putra, Second Police Brigadier Gischa Mutia Pratiwi, Second Police Brigadier and Second Police Brigadier Agung Megananda.

Anang Fadhilah