Village Head of Jejangkit Pasar Batola South Kalimantan Corrupting Village Fund Rp 400 Million

Banjarmasin – A village head of Jejangkit Pasar, Batola Regency, M Agus Eddy Salam, will enter a prison cell. Due to corruptiNG village funds more than Rp.400 million.

Now this bachelor degree graduate will sit as a prisoner to take responsibility for his actions.
In the file submitted by the public prosecutor Andri Kurniawan SH to the Banjarmasin district court, it is said that the village head committed misappropriation of village funds in 2018, which caused state losses of Rp.408,833,476.

“We have received the files and we plan to hold an inaugural trial on Wednesday (30/9),” said the Banjarmasin District Court Corruption Clerk, Syarifuddin SH, Friday (25/9/2020).

The corruption case hearing will be chaired by Jamser Simanjuntak SH and M Fauzi and Dana Hanura.
In the files received, the state loss to the remaining cash from the excess budget financing (Silpa) as of December 31, 2018, which was not submitted to the village treasury in the amount of Rp.

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The remainder of the 2018 tax calculation was also not submitted to the state treasury, amounting to Rp.20,645,340.
Then the village head did not carry out the village project work for five activities.

With a project value of Rp.193,319,741, with details of the construction of a village office of Rp.46,997,910. Polindes construction of Rp.89,651,000, construction of residential roads of Rp.15,223,000, construction of farm bridges of Rp. 27,167,831, and construction of culverts of Rp.14,280,000.

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In his file, the Public Prosecutor threatens the Village Head with primary threats of clause 2 paragraph (1) and subsidair clause 3 in conjunction with clause 18 of the Republic of Indonesia Law No. 31 of 1999 concerning Eradication of Corruption Crimes as added and amended by Law No. 31 of 1999 concerning Eradication of Corruption Crime. The threat of a minimum 4 years.

Anang Fadhilah