Indonesia Covid-19 Cases Increased to 4.002 Cases, Jakarta and West Java are The Highest

Jakarta – Covid-19 Taskforce updated increasing number of positif cases to 4.002 in Tuesday (29/09) with speciment number have been tested are 37.159 with reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) 36.667 speciments and Quick Moleculer Test with 491 speciment

Meanwhile, total speciment numbers are 3.276.402 numbers with  RT-PCR are 3.224.227 speciment and QMT are 52.127 speciments and total cases of Covid-19 became 282.724 cases.

Jakarta has 1.238 new cases with recovery patients 1.118 cases and died cases 21 persons. West Java has 316 new cases with recovery patients 98 cases and died cases 15 persons. Central Java has 275 new cases and 260 recovery patiens and died cases 12 patients. Meanwhile East Java has 276 new cases with 385 recovery patients and 24 died patients.

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Meanwhile, recovery cases number increase to 3.567 cases and died cases incleaned to 128 patients and total number of District and Municipality exposed by corona virus are 487

Acumulative recover cases are 210.47 number with died cases 10.601 numbers and suspect of Covid-19 to 132.496 numbers

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