General Election Commision of Bandung District Appologize to Journalist

KPU of Bandung District's Meeting with Journalist

Soreang – After prohibitation of coverage during drawing number for Regent and Vice Regent of Bandung District, General Election Commision (KPU) of Bandung District ask appologize. Apology deliver by Head of  KPU, Agus Baroya, after visiting Indonesian Journalist Association (Persatuan Wartawan Indonesia/PWI) office of Bandung District and met PWI and Television Journalist Association (Ikatan Jurnalis Televisi Indonesia/IJTI)

“We appologize to journalist and promise to improve KPU performance especially with media crew” Agus said, Tuesday (29/09) in PWI Bandung District Secretariat, Soreang – West Java

Agus explain that KPU hold events with journalists which are organized by PWI and IJTI in order to arrange mutual understanding about each role

“From this visiting, KPU adress appreciation and said thank you to PWI and IJT which are work together with us” Agus added

Agus also express appreciation to constructive critic from journalist at that event, “Constructive critic will be our commitment for the next improvement”

Meanwhile, Head of PWI Bandung District, Rahmat Sudarmaji, frankly said that this meeting relating to media coverage during drawing session of Regional General Election in Bandung District. Rahmat explain that KPU and Journalist have same obligation to suceed Regional Election because news made by journalist is for people

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“That missunderstanding already passed. Next we ought to make mutual understanding. It means KPU must to understand our duty and to facilitate information that will deliver to public at large” Rahmat said

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Past missunderstanding ough to make as a lesson. “It has to be a lesson not only for KPU but also for another institutions to facilititate information openness” Rahmat added

Meanwhile, organization division of PWI Bandung District, Didi S Mainaki, asserted that KPU’s appology received. “Appology received but it is still not clear. We still wait KPU to implement Regional Election phase and information opennes” Didi said