Farah Frastia : Writing is a Healing

Farah Frastia - Script writer in SCT TV Station

Kebumen – Spirit to make a work will elevate creativity. That is impression felt by Farah Frastia (26), a writer script of “Catatan Harianku” in SCTV TV station

“I was interested in writting since Class tenth of Vocational High School” Sarah said, Friday (08/01) in Tanjungsari village, Buluspesantren, Kebumen. Farah told about consistency to work in writting route.

“At that time, my Indonesia language teacher inform us that he will add one point in report book if found his student write an article and post it in social media. This is grow my motivation to write” Farah said

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Farah sent his first writting to teenager media. Then Farah became a winner in a competition and got price and coaching money. Sarah explained that she need an extra effort in his first experience. She ough to sent a writting through post office and wait reply in the long time untill got trophy

“I am happy and be grateful. After that, I pursue writing untill graduate from Vocational High School” Sarah added

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Some of competition have been followed by Farah. Farah got many certificates merit and prize in form of holiday tour and coaching money. “All I presented for mama (mother). Mama always pray and encourage me” Sarah said. Farah is going to make proud for his parent especially for his mama through his works.

Farah also used to play twitter. Farah try to looking for writer network through twitter untill know head of script writer in a fiction productin. “First time, I sent some of scritpts. Rejected and ought to reviewed but not decrease my spirit. On the other hand, made more excited” Sarah recall.

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Now, Farah is member team of production fiction. “From 200 personals, there are only two persons who trusted to write a script” Sarah added

The useful of writing is for self healing and profession. In addition, competition prize also made another impression.

“We got friends and relation from writting activities” Farah closed
