Sarminten Food Stalls : Ordered by WhatsApp and Rica-Rica Entok Will be Sent to Your Home

Sarminten Food Stalls at Sukoponco, Sentolo-Kulonprogo (Ririn Kada/Wiradesa)

Kulonprogo – Sarminten food stalls, one of cullinary food stalls for Sukoponco citizen at Sentolo-Kulonprogo. Sidik Hidayat (37), the owner of Sarminten food stalls, initiate this cullinary business in 2011. Sidiq want to serve people need of variety food menu and respon the challenges of the time.

“Our food stalls is not immediately exist. We ough to involve in long process. In the first time, 2011, we only have Rp 10 million from angkringan (a special street food stall in Yogyakarta) for fund. We collect every little benefit and finally could open food stall” Sidiq explained.

Growing from the little but now Sidik assisted by two persons. One for coocing and one for serve costumer. Sidik explained that there were a lot of menu

Sidik Hidayat – Sarminten Owner (Riri Kada/

“In menu list, we proved varieties geprek, penyek and grilled chicket, catfish, tofu, tempeh, and eggplant. We are ready to served rice box orders, offer pre-order menu such as Rica Entok or Kampong Chicken” Sidik explain

The present of Sarminten food stalls in Sukoponco easier neigbors when they need snacks or main food. Furthermore, sarminten have been equiped by online device. Only push tuts at smartphone, write messages, send through Whatasapp and wait for the minute, many varieties menu will be sent to the fron of the door. Sidiq also ask neigbors who not busy to help him in sending food order

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Sidiq cullinary business steady grow by word of mouth. There are many people out of Sukoponco such as teachers, official office who became Sidik costumer. “Openin from 10.30 am until 06.00 pm. We will open until night becauset the growing number of visitors” Sidik explain.

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According to Sidik, the name of Sarminten coming from th tittle of play in Sukoponco village at 2004. Sarminten play staged in 2017 for the secon time. “There were not special philosophy from that name. I am only impressed by that name. There are always great spirit when remember the struggle of my friens when made that play” Sidik explained when asked the name of Sarminten to Ririn Kada from, member of group