Government Province Involve Hoodlum For Changing Signpost Name of Lombok International Airport

Young man at Lombok International Airport entrance who refuse signpost name of airport

Praya – Tenth of young man of Lombok International Airport (Bandara Internasional Lombok/BIL) are gourding around airport entrance circle, Saturday noon (12/12) . Young man will thwart Province of West Nusa Tenggara government to change signpost name of BIL became BIZAM. Young man succeed in their action and province government fail to change signpost name of Lombok International Airport.

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In the spontaneous action, young man said the involvement hoodlum invited by province government to

The young proment figure at aiport, Lalu Ali Usman, asserted to refuse government plan to change signpost name because will make racket among citizen.

“This is because head of tourism office who always make a conflict among people” Lalu Ali Usman said at location

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Lalu said that tourism office of West Nusa Tenggara government presumed used hoodlum to change signpost name of aiport by persuading with same projects at airport without socialization to the people.

“We told people through mosque speaker that they have to stand. We will move together with thousand young man and people at airport circle if signpost name really changed” Lalu said

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Meanwhile, head of tourism office of West Nusa Tenggara, Mohammad Fauzal, did not comment when asked by, member of group, in Poltekpar Lombok. Fauzal choosed to go than to answer the question.