Dozen Young People Demonstrate To Seal Official Office of West Sumbawa Regent

West Sumbawa – Dozen young people demonstrate to seal Graham Fitrah, official office of West Sumbawa Regent,  Monday (21/9)

Main gate sealing of Regent office by red ribbon is a protest expression after disappointed because can not meet Regent and Vice Regent of West Sumbawa.

Mass action which guarded by police apparatus are also performed Dzuhur prayer together in front of Regent office.

In the name of West Sumbawa Barat in Looking for Justice (Gerakan Masyarakat Sumbawa Barat Mencari Keadilan/GMSBMK) dozen young generation came to West Sumbawa government strongly sue for refusing all of activities and Okay Samoan Taliwang exploration by PT Sumbawa Barat Mineral (PT SBM)

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In his demands, field coordinator of GMSBMK, Yudi Prayudi explained that all of mining activities by PT Sumbawa Barat Mineral in Samoan mountain will damage environment and destroy habitus who live around mining.

“We want this happen in this Pariri Lema Bariri land. Because Samoan mountain is heart of city and central of people water absorption in Taliwang city” Yudi said in his speech

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Meanwhile Firman Jawas in his speech said that West Sumbawa government is fail government because can not stop mountain exploration by PT SBM which is not clear his origin. West Sumbawa government is fail government because did not learn to experience.

“We spent long time exploited by Newmont Nusa Tenggara which change became Aman Mineral Nusa Tenggara and never give welfare effect for people” Firman said

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Firman emphasize that stupidity borne from narrow minded, pragmatic and materialistic and willing to take mining proportion to enrich self. West Sumbawa leader could not refuse from strong hierarchi pressure and erase confidence and trustworthy as a leader

“If they struggle to fight, there were 140 thousand people of West Sumbawa who will defend them. Yet I tend to think that this regime is a regime who act something for their self interest” Firman Jawas said