Health Personnel and TNI/Polri, First Time Vaccine Recipients

The Indonesian government has prepared 32 million doses of a Vaccine Program and 75 million doses of Independent Vaccines.

Jakarta– Health workers such as doctors and nurses and the Indonesian National Police and Army (TNI) are the front liners who will receive the first injection of the COVID-19 vaccine. The chairperson of the Committee conveyed this for Handling COVID-19 and National Economic Recovery (KPCPEN) and the Minister of Economy of the Republic of Indonesia, Airlangga Hartarto in Jakarta.

According to Airlangga, this priority is under the instructions from the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo and following the standards of the World Health Organization (WHO). Airlangga explained, “We ask for the patience of all Indonesians because vaccines come and because of that we have to make priorities. This priority setting has followed the standards given by WHO and also through ITAGI (Indonesian Technical Advisory Group on Immunization / ITAGI) and those who are experts in their fields.

Because it is gradual, with a period of late 2020, early 2021 to 2022, it must carry health protocols out. “We ask people to continue to apply 3T, Testing, Tracing and Treatment and 3M, Wash their hands using soap and running water, Wear Masks and Maintain Distance.” Airlangga.

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The Government has prepared around 65% of the total population of Indonesia, the Vaccine Program of 32 million doses which are free through BPJS dues and the Independent Vaccine of 75 million doses. Menuru Airlangga, “32 million doses have been prepared for those who receive BPJS contribution help who do not have an orbit and are aged 18-59 years. They adjusted vulnerability of age and condition of these recipients to those who attended clinical trials. “

As for the Independent Vaccine, Airlangga revealed that this can be accessed through the Labor-Intensive Industrial Sector where the Company provides vaccines for its employees and one of them can be obtained through BPKS KetenagaKagakerjaan. “Of course, later we will push it more for vaccine recipients. We must do this in stages by seeing its effectiveness. “Said Airlangga.

The Indonesian government has been preparing to buy vaccines since March 2020 through talks with SINOVAC and several other vaccine producers. Through the intensity of talks with SINOVAK, Indonesia took parted in the third phase of clinical trials starting in Bandung. Indonesia is one of the five countries that take part in the third phase of clinical trials and get the opportunity for the first access to make purchases.

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“The first access is delivery according to the schedule yesterday we received 1.2 million in December and next year there are 1.8 million as finished vaccines (injections). Then we also get 15 million in December as raw materials Bio Farma will study that in producing vaccines. “Airlangga said.

Furthermore, Airlangga explained that in the stages of BPOM approval and obtaining the MUI fatwa, the two institutions had sent a team to China. According to Airlangga, “They have seen how vaccines are made at their factories in China. With that, it is hoped that it is just waiting for confirmation, evaluation of the third clinical trial phase and the data submitted by SINOVAC to the BPOM. “

From the evaluation of the third phase of the clinical trial, Airlangga said that BPOM also needed to obtain all the information obtained by SINOVAC in all countries outside Indonesia for comparisons. This, he said, was to ensure that the vaccine had effectiveness and saw aspects of safety, quality standards and percentage of success. “Currently they are analyzing the report and waiting for the clinical trial results from Bandung. It is hoped that the data for these three clinical trials will be obtained in early December and will take 1-2 weeks to compare the data with other countries. “ Airlangga said.

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According to Airlangga, the Government has also been in talks with other vaccine producers such as COVAX, GAVI, Pfizer, AstraZeneca PLC and Novavax. In addition, the Government has also developed a red and white vaccine. He explained, “we are preparing a multi-source vaccine to ensure its availability.” .

Airlangga also invited people who wanted to participate in clinical trials. According to him, the public can contact the Faculty of Medicine at universities that are currently conducting clinical trials. For example, Biofarma with Padjadajar University, UGM with Taiwan, UI with American companies. “This clinical trial is coordinated by the Ministry of Health and BPOM.” Airlangga explained.

Anang Fadhilah