Educator Asked to Handle Radicalism

Mataram – Educators of Religion lesson asked to increase seriousness in combatting radicalism and terorrism. Radicalism and terorrism threat increase steadily. Spread of radicalism and terrorism through social media ough to watch out. Lalu Syafii, Head of Terrorisme Prevention Coordination Forum (Forum Koordinasi Pencegahan Terorisme/FKPT) of West Nusa Tenggara at internalitation forum of religious value in Aruna Senggi Hotel, Wednesday (30/9) as cited by siberindo group

Lalu Syafi’i said that countering terrorism is a collective responsbility including educators. “One of proof of terrorism development is increasing of religious radicalism as an origin of  terrorism action”

Development of religious moderation is when adherents implemented religion teaching with respect to other different adherents. This is a simple step to stimulate peace circumstane among society. Peace is a bastion toward radicalism and terrorism. Moderation religion in school ough to be done to prevent young generation from radicalism and terrorisme

“Young generation tend to understand superficial religion teaching. Our duty, especially educators, to introduce religion moderation for them to protech their selves from radicalism and terrorism” Syafii said

Meanwhile, Prevention Deradicalisation Deputy of National Counter-Terrorist Agency (Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Terrorism/BNPT), Letcol Setyo Pranowi, reminded to aware of radicalism spreading through social media in internent. Pandemic time, when learning process deliver through online learning, will ease student to acces information from internet including radicalism and terrorism contents.

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Setyo said that spreading of radicalism teaching among students will be massified by radicalism and terrorism grup, especially through social media. This is ought to be a collective concern because students are main target not only for regenertion in radicalism group but also as a labil group

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“We hope that teachers elevate awarness toward radicalism and terrorism threat that can interfere security and peace in our beloved country. One of effort is to invite religion teacher to prevent from radicalism through develiring right religion teaching” Setyo asked

It was explained that BNPT is a state institution with mandate to prevent terrorism. BNPT try hard to push this extraordinary crime not only through decisive action but also through soft approache as a preventing action

“Today activity is an implemented action to prevent terrorism in soft approach way”