Lalu Gede Syamsul Lead Council of Archipelago Tradition of West Nusa Tenggara

Council Archipelago Tradition

East Lombok – Lalu Gede Syamsul Mujahidin, S.E, have been appointed as Head Regional Board of Council of Archipelago Tradition (Majelis Adat Kerajaan Nusantara/MAKN) of West Nusa Tenggara Province in Puri Agung Selaparang, Lendang Nangka, sub-district of Masbagik, Eeast Lombok (12/9) as mentioned group.

Official announcement have been led by daily chairman of Central Board of Council Archipelago Tradition, Dr. KPH Eddy Wirabhumi, from Surakarta Hadiningrat palace. Howeer innaugural session attended by East Lombok official office for Education and Culture, all principality in Lombok island, representative of King of Bima, King of Dompu, and King of Sumbawa

KPH Eddy Wirabhumi said that all regional board have to run synergy with all circles in protecting sublim culture of Republic Indonesia and have to keep the unity and spirit of this organization

“Good luck and hope we can be a glue of unity in frame of our beloved Repubic Indonesia” Wirabhumi said

Head of Paer Timuk Council Tradition, Drs. H. Lalu Gafar Ismail, insisted that MAKN is a unity and part of Indonesian entity as form of togetherness.

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“We are in the same culture of Republic Indonesia. We received with culture because culture is fortress of unity” Gafar Ismail briefly explain

Meawhile, Lalu Gede Syamsul Mujahidin said that MAKN is a preserving forum for unique and aesthetic sublim culture that can be a tourism attraction and contribute to elevate national economic level and people welfare. In addition, MAK is form of education to the next generation, especially millenial generation.

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“That is why, MAKN will massify education of our sublime culture to the next generation” Syamsul Mujahidin insisted

Syamsul Mujahidin added that preserving culture and tradition is not only a way to maintain legacy of our predecessor but also an appresiation toward a struggle of our predecessor that fight for Indonesia independency

“They have diversity but agreed to make Indonesia as unitary state. We can not negleted the big contribution of Kingdoms of Archipelago to support Indonesia indepency” Syamsul Mujahidin explained