Kiram Arts Festival South Kalimantan Babussalam Participated in by International Artists

Banjar – South Kalimantan Province will hold arts and culture events on a national and even international scale.


Titled Kiram Arts Festival South Kalimantan Babussalam, artists from 20 countries from Asia, Europe to Africa are confirmed to be present in South Kalimantan Province on 8–12 November 2023.


This was conveyed by Yadi Muriyadi, Chairman of the Kiram Arts Festival Organizing Committee, who said that the participants from abroad had contacted the committee to confirm their attendance.


“Thank God, to date as many as 20 foreign artists have confirmed their attendance at the Kiram Arts Festival South Kalimantan Babussalam,” said Yadi Muriyadi.

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These artists come from Malaysia, the Philippines, Cambodia, Thailand, Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan, India, Zimbabwe, Ghana.


Furthermore, there are also those from Australia, New Caledonia, New Zealand, England, Sweden, Italy, Germany, Colombia and the Netherlands.


“The foreign participants, they are the best artists in their country,” said Yadi.


Meanwhile, national artists who will attend will come from Kalimantan, Aceh, Riau, NTB, Bali, Yogjakarta, Jakarta, West Java, Central Java and East Java.


Of course, said Yadi, the South Kalimantan Kiram Arts Festival is fully supported by the Governor of South Kalimantan H. Sahbirin Noor or Uncle Birin.

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He also expressed his highest appreciation and gratitude for the participation of foreign artists, to enliven the event with the theme “Moving through Art and Culture”.


According to him again, the activity, which will showcase various arts, from dance, music, literature, theater to painting, is also guaranteed to be attended by leading artists in various provinces in Indonesia.


“Because later there will also be workshop activities, workshops, exhibitions and so on,” said Yadi.


This activity was also attended by local South Kalimantan artists from 13 districts/cities, so that South Kalimantan regional art could be seen from both national and international participants.

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According to him, according to Governor Uncle Birin’s hopes, with this grand activity, South Kalimantan’s arts and culture can continue to exist, apart from wanting to show the world the rich treasures of South Kalimantan’s arts and culture as Babussalam.


Likewise, it is a form of exchange of arts and culture knowledge between provinces and between countries.


“We hope for support from the wider community so that this event can be successful, because it will bring a good name to the region and the country,” he said.

