Become a Professional with Personal Grooming

BANJARMASIN – In order to be successful, a job requires its own process. Students who lack practical experience and are not accustomed to being independent in making decisions and finding it difficult to express their ideas. Can be hampered and difficult to face competition when looking for work. Especially if the student does not understand the purpose of his life and is slow to adapt to new situations.

“This condition is a challenge for study managers in universities, stakeholders who design curriculum with lecture materials to prepare students for the world of work, the main target and the learning process are the final grades achieved by students,” said Cici Asmawatiy SE, MIP, CNMP , Deputy Chair II for Finance, Personnel, General and Household Administration, Bina Banua Banjarmasin College of Administration (STIA), Friday (9/9/2022).

Cici said, STIA Bina Banua wants its graduates to become professional students, have qualified skills, have character, have an attitude. “STIA Bina Banua provides personal grooming to its students. Personal grooming needs to be instilled in students — it is the way we dress according to where we work later in the professional world,” he said.

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According to Cici, in addition to personal grooming, STIA Bina Banua students also honed their personal branding and personal values. “STIA Bina Banua graduates are expected to become students who are unyielding, religious, professional, superior and competitive,” he explained.

STIA Bina Banua continued Cici, continuing to create and innovate in providing her teaching techniques. Such as holding a public lecture broadcast live on TVRI Banjarnasin television by presenting guest lecturers, for example the Regent of Tana Laut. “We invite more guest lecturers who are experts in their fields, from agencies and institutions. Yesterday we presented the Head of the Culture and Tourism Office, the Head of the Culture Service, the Head of the Tanah Bumbu PMD Service, the sub-district head, etc

“We will invite the former Miss Indonesia to be a guest lecturer, the Chair of the Pokdarwis in South Kalimantan, to be a guest lecturer at STIA Bina Banua,” he said.

Cici Asmawatiy SE, MIP, CNMP, Vice Chair II STIA Bina Banua Banjarmasin with students after the IT seminar. (anang)

The Asian College of Sciences (STIA) Bina Banua Banjarmasin is now 33 years old and has graduated more than 6,000 graduates, most of whom are from the island of Borneo. Many alumni work in government, private companies and self-employed.

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“Many STIA Bina Banua alumni are successful in pursuing careers such as being officials in government, among others, becoming Regents, Deputy Regents, Chairpersons of DPRD, Head of Service and others,”

Among them, currently serving as Regent of Tanah Laut Drs H Sukamta, Deputy Regent of Hulu Sungai Tengah Drs H Mansyah Saberi, Deputy Regent of Hulu Sungai Selatan Syamsuri Arsad SSos, MA, Deputy Chairman of DPRD HSS H Kusasi.

Other STIA Bina Banua alumni, Director of PDAM Intan Banjar H Syaiful Anwar SSos, MA, former Kotabaru Regent H Syahrani Mataja, SSos, former Deputy Regent of Kotabaru H Rudy Suryana SSos. Head of the South Kalimantan BKKBN representative Ir Ramlan MA, Head of the Ministry of Religion of Kapuas Regency HA Bahruni, MAP

South Kalimantan Police Chief Drs H Zakky Aswan, MM, Head of the South Kalimantan Regional Library and Archives Service Dra Hj Nurliani MAP, Head of Public Relations of the DIY Police AKBP Ani Puji Astuti S.Sos.

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He added that in the Department of Business Administration, there are STIA Bina Banua alumni who have become commissioners of an insurance company, leaders of BUMN and BUMD, and many are also entrepreneurs.

“This shows STIA Bina Banua’s contribution to improving the quality of Human Resources, especially for areas in South Kalimantan, and the Nation/State in general,” said Cici.

In addition to sports, the STIA Bina Banua campus has student activity programs, including BEM, Menwa, HIMA AP, HIMA BI. STIA Bina Banua campus is located in two places, namely at Jalan Pramuka Km 6 Banjarmasin City and at Jalan Karamunting Number 5 Banjarbaru City, South Kalimantan.

According to Cici, STIA Bina Banua, the campus has changed its motto several times, along with the change of leadership. “The motto that originally Fostered Banua Building the Nation has changed to APUK’s motto, namely Religious, Professional, Superior and Competitive since 2018,” explained this clear-skinned woman.

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