Hj Shinta Laksmi Dewi SE Chairman of the South Kalimantan Chamber of Commerce in 2022-2026

BANJARMASIN – Hj Shinta Laksmi Dewi, SE serial number 1 was elected as Chair of the South Kalimantan Chamber of Commerce from 2022 to 2026 at the Musprov VII Chamber of Commerce and Industry of South Kalimantan (Kadin Kalsel). Outperforming serial number two H Saridi Salimin MM.

Hj Shinta Laksmi Dewi, SE won 37 votes while H Saridi Salimin MM won 31 votes out of a total of 68 votes at Rattan Inn Banjarmasin, Monday (12/9/2022).

The wife of the Head of IMI South Kalimantan Ir H Edy Sudarmadi, Hj Shinta, immediately expressed her gratitude to Alhamdulilah and was so moved to receive the mandate to lead this largest business organization.

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A happy hue radiated from this mother of two children as soon as the election committee handed over the disastrous flag of the South Kalimantan Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

It was handed over directly to the Acting Chairman of the South Kalimantan Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Hj Shinta Laksmi Dewi, SE after the event said that after he was elected, he thanked him for the trust he received as chairman. “Thank God, we will carry out this mandate with full responsibility,” he said.

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Hj Dewi will carry out the vision and mission of increasing synergy and collaboration in accelerating the regional economy and holding deliberations in cities and regencies that had been delayed.

“Kadin’s participation in cities and districts in every economic empowerment and local entrepreneurs as well as creating new entrepreneurs. And no less important, preparing South Kalimantan as a supporting province for the State Capital or IKN through the development of natural resources, both agriculture, plantations, fisheries, animal husbandry and marine affairs,” he said.

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The organizational experience of Hj Shinta Laksmi Dewi SE, namely, two-term Chair of the South Kalimantan IWAPI, PD Perwari, Deputy Chair II of HWK, South Kalimantan Creative Forum Institute, Deputy Chair II for Investment and Banking, Deputy Chairman of the South Kalimantan Kadin (caretaker) and Deputy Chair II of South Kalimantan BKOW.

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