Serang Legislative Council Asked Agro Company to Optimilize Potency and Land Assets

Serang Legislative Member

Serang – Agro Regional State-Ownd Company of Serang City ought to push and to prepared for potency optimalization and land assets for opening employment, increasing people welfare, especially farmer, and to sustain food security of Serang City. Monday, (28/09)

It was said by Nur Agis Aulia, member of Serang Representative House in Commision 2, along with Head of Agriculture Office of Serang City and one of BUMD Agro director of Banten Province as part of survey and mapping rice field potentional, and rice in Serang City.

“Alhamdulillah Banten is in harvest time. Great harvest predicted untill the last next moth. The question is, where tilth will be brought?How farmer, labour enterpreneur of rice mills condition in great harvest time?are they prosperous?” Agis asked

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Agis explained there will be 300 acres agriculture land asset of Serang City. If each 1 acre produced 2.5 ton in average and there were 2 harvest time in a year, it will be 10 ton grain.

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“If assumption of grain price is Rp 4.000 for 1 kilo gram, it mean 40 million rupiah for 1 acre and if multiply with 300 acres, it means 12 billion rupiah will be come in to local generated revenue” Agis added