Thank You SMSI, We Don’t Need to Go to The Rice Fields Anymore

SERANG – “In the past, if you wanted to defecate in the rice fields, you would go home if you wanted to ‘wash’,” said Artanti, laughing when asked where and his family defecated when their house was in Jaha Village, Pagar Agung Village, Walantaka District, Serang City, Banten do not have a toilet (bath, wash, toilet). Artanti, who admitted that he was born and raised in Jaha Village, admits that many people in the area do not have toilets, latrines. So it’s no wonder, every time they want to defecate they always evacuate to find a dump in the nearest rice field.

According to Artanti, the economic condition of their family, which was not possible to make toilets, had to be accepted. Therefore, the routine of defecating in the fields is no longer a strange thing.

“It doesn’t smell when you are used to it,” he said, smiling. According to Artanti, when she was pregnant she even had to defecate in the middle of the night in the fields. “For lighting, yes, bring a flashlight while accompanied by your mother,” he said.

In order not to feel afraid, Artanti admitted that she always brought her cell phone with her every time she defecated in the fields as entertainment during her bowel movements.

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For this reason, when his family received information about getting MCK help, Artanti admitted that his family was very grateful and happy. “When I heard I got help, Alhamdulillah, I don’t have to go to the fields anymore.

”Another MCK aid recipient, Subika, also conveyed the same thing. This 50-year-old woman admitted that she and her husband had to go to the fields every time they wanted to defecate. “In the rice fields there defecate, far away,” he said.

However, the location of the defecation site in question turned out to be an open place, with no barriers. Because of that, Subika admitted he had to find a tree as a place to relieve himself so that we could see no other passing people.

“Behind a tree on the edge of the rice field, if you defecate,” he said with a laugh. If her wish is to be done at night, it forces her to wake up her husband to accompany her while carrying a flashlight for lighting. “If you’re having night defecation, bring a flashlight so it’s bright.”

According to Subika, she and her husband intended to build their own toilet, but because they did not have the money for the plan, they had to bury it.

“Father Wong doesn’t work, he only leaves his brother’s buffalo so there’s no money for a toilet. “If you hang a buffalo, if the buffalo has two, then one for us,” he said.

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Subika admitted that she only lived with her husband, while their child had separated from another house because I married her. Her husband’s job as a buffalo caretaker, whose results will only be obtained when the buffalo gives birth, makes him have to help the family economy.

“You hang up the buffalo later, when you give birth to two buffaloes, one is for us. For everyday life, the father helps ‘nandur’ the salary is fifty thousand.

Rice fields also help in the fields, “he said. “That’s why he admitted it thrilled him, helped make a toilet. “Thank you for helping. If in the past we had to go to the fields, now we can just stay at home, ” said Subika when met on the terrace of his house, Saturday (06/02).

The joy of having MCK help for the residents of Kampung Jaha was not only felt by the beneficiaries. Markani, a resident who works as a farmer and does not receive help, also admits that he is happy because his rice fields, which a place for people’s thirst, are now clean. “Alhamdulillah, my rice fields are clean, not dirty by ‘this’ residents,” he said laughing.

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Markani admitted he was concerned about the condition of his neighbors who did not have a toilet, so they had to defecate. “, it’s a pity to see the neighbors if they don’t have a toilet, if you throw ‘this’ (red. BAB), it doesn’t look good, but how about that,” he said.

As a rice field owner, Markani admits he has to open his chest every day when he sees human waste in his fields. “I once neglected it because I saw it every day.

But how do you want to say something bad? I once hit my feet with dirt in my rice field, “he laughed out loud. Markani admitted he was trying to tolerate this condition. “What do you want to talk about, but how can people not have it, if it doesn’t get to the rice fields, throw it away,” said Markani, laughing again.

Markani admitted he was very grateful that on the 2021 National Press Day (HPN), SMSI helped the residents with social service programs. Apart from the MCK, their village roads were also built. “The road is pretty good, it’s not muddy, it’s not slippery because I have paved it. In the past the road looked shabby, now it’s good. Thank you for helping us on our way, “he said.
