Corona Virus in Riau : 172 New Cases and 488 Recovered Patients

Corona Virus Update

Pekanbaru – Corona Virus cases in Indonesia increase to 4.007 number cases and total numbers of Corona Virus cases are 299.506 cases, Saturday (03/10).

In Riau, positive new cases of Corona Virus is 172 cases in incleaned total number of Corona Virus cases to 8.240 patients since Covid-19 outbreak.

According to site of Indonesia Health Ministry Office, there are 3.712 recovered patients from Corona Virus and this number increase total recovered patients to 225.052 numbers. Meanwhile in Riau Province, there were 488 recovered patients and this figure increase total number of recovered patients to 4.771 patients

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On the other side, there are 83 people died because Corona Virus in Indonesia for today in this number increase total died cases to 11.055 people. Meanwhile, there 5 died people in Riau for today and this figure increase total died people in Riau to 177 person.