177 Riau People Died Because Corona Virus

Corona Virus Cases in Riau Province

Pekanbaru – Died people because Covid-19 outbreak in Riau reached to 177 cases. The highest cases are from 40 ages to 60 ages and above 60 ages. Those data issued by Health Official Office of Riau Province since March 3rd 2020 untill October 3rd, 2020 05.29 pm

Riau Health Official Office explained that 32.2% died people are female, 57 patients, and 67.8% are male or 120 patients.

The highest proportion of died people is 40-60 years old with 100 patients and above 60 years old with 58 numbers. Meanwhile, 18-40 years old is 15 persons, 0-5 years old 3 persons and 5-18 years old is 1 person

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Congenital disease from Covid-19 is diabetes mellitus with 9 persons, hypertension 4 persons, pneumonia 3 persons, kidney 2 persons, asthma and heart, burns, spondolitis, tuberculosis, and dyspepsia are each 1 person.

Looking at death daily graph for the last three das, September 30th is 8 cases, October 1st is 7 cases, October 2nd is 6 cases. The highest death rate is at 23rd September with 11 cases

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From the main page of data, it is concluded that total cases of Corona Virus in Riau Province is 8.241 cases with self isolation 2.323 persons, hospitalized 982 cases, recover cases 4.759 persons, died cases is 177, and suspect 34.303 cases

Head of Health Offical Office of Riau Province, Mimi Nazir, said that the most death rate is among 40-60 years old and need special attention. In addition, comorbid patients must to treated better to decrease death possibility.

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“The highest (death) age is among 40-60 years old and above. Meanwhile comorbid patients seems between diabetes and high blood pressure, but another cormobid ought to see” Mimi Nazir said

Mimi explained that lab optimalisation and covid-19 patient treatment are effort must to do in order to reduce death rate