Death Compensation for Social Worker of Religious Cross in North Sulawesi

Death Compensation for Social Worker of Religious Cross in North Sulawesi

Manado – Acting Governor of North Sulawesi, Agus Fatoni, gave death compensation for 9 heirs of Social Worker in Religious Cross in North Governor office symbolically, Friday (02/10)

Death compensantion is part of Protection for Religious Social Workers Program (Perlindungan Pekerja Sosial Keagamaan/Perkasa) in cooperation between North Sulawesi Government and Social Security Administrator for Employement (BPJS Ketenagakerjaan). Giving ceremony implemented by following healh protocol to prevent Covid-19 outbreak with limited participants to avoid crowd, physical distancing among participants and use mask.

Head of Labor and Transmigration Office of North Sulawesi, Erni Tumundo, reported that total number compensation is RP 42 million for 22 person with 9 person symbolically by Acting Governor and 13 person will give through representative in Sangihe Island district

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Perkasi is a breakthrough program by North Sulawesi Governance as part of public service and got special attention from Central Government. North Sulawesi got awards and same of them was Number 1 at Paritrana Award 2009 by BPJS Ketenagakerjaan. Next, Perkasa program will launch subsidition for special service and pastor for Rp 600 thousand/month since September to December

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