South Kalimantan Tourism Rally National Championship will determine the 2023 National Champion

BANJARMASIN – The fourth round of the National Tourism Rally Championship will start on 6-8 October 2023 in South Kalimantan. The Antasari Wisata Rally is the title of the oldest four-wheeled motorsport championship in Indonesia. This car championship, which prioritizes punctuality, is planned to cover a distance of more than 300km, starting at Hotel Banua and will cover several routes in South Kalimantan, such as the Wasaka museum, Bukit Batu, Rantaubalai, Kandangan, Rantaukudjang, to the western coast of the Loban River.

“As of today, Thursday 5/10/2023, around 20 entries are confirmed for the National Championship participants,” said the head of the organizer, Fransiskus Arifin, as reported by

“The largest number is from Java, but we also hold a Fun Rally for local participants who want to learn to become National Rallyers,” continued Arifin.

In recent years, the National Rally Championship has always presented ‘support rallies’, namely Fun Rally activities. Usually attended by local beginners, ASN employees, and the four-wheeled community. This Fun Rally is very useful for beginners who will study as National Time Rally athletes because a coaching clinic will be provided for the participants which will be carried out by the organizing committee under the direction of the PP IMI Time Rally Commission.

“To attract beginners, then when they are interested, we will direct them to become National Time Rally athletes,” said Ir. H. Edy Sudarmadi, chairman of IMI South Kalimantan.

“We will make the Time Rally national championship in South Kalimantan a regular event every year so that it will increase Sport, Tourism, Social, Economics, Community for South Kalimantan,” continued Edy Sudarmadi

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“But what is more important is that there must be athletes from South Kalimantan who can speak at the National event, especially when we are the host. For this reason, the National Championship must have a Fun Rally and coaching Clinic so that South Kalimantan is not only the organizer but there is a rally that can win here,” concluded H. Edy Sudarmadi who is a senior national automotive figure.

According to Otorally, the National Tourism Rally Championship this time is indeed of high quality, as seen from the Race Leader, namely senior rally driver Poedio Bintoro, assisted by East Java time rally leader Juli Putra and Race Secretary Hendry Mahmud.

This activity is guaranteed to be exciting with question games that drain Poedio Bintoro’s unique brain abilities.

Observers of the national Time Rally of course still remember how Poedio Bintoro played on the emotions of the 1999 Kemala Bhayangkari rally participants when immediately after the start they were presented with the killing Post Take Seconds around Babakan Madang Sentul Bogor. Then there is “PAD T Jiput” which is legendary because the post was taken twice with clear instructions but was tricky at the 2001 Bogor-Banten National Rally Championship, still in the same rally then there was also a game of distance around Sajira when the perally old pair N’ Com Sofyan/Bengky Marpaung were forced to “turn baskets” because they were fooled by Poedio Bintoro’s questions.

“Om Bin is a genius in national rallies,” said the late. Helmy Sungkar at Authorally in the late 1990s.

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“When the survey made the questions, we only recorded the area, but miraculously, when the questions were ready, we could take them randomly, not in sequence, like during the survey at the right distance, which is fitting if he was called a rally maestro,” said the late. Helmy Sungkar always praises Poedio Bintoro when he makes questions about rallies.

If Poedio Bintoro continues to consistently present brain-draining question games in the era of digital maps and “mutual support” among teams, it is certain that the rally will be exciting.

The distance game that suddenly “cuts off” in the middle of the road without any clues is the mainstay of Uncle Bin, Poedio Bintoro’s nickname. Then Perally could also feel that the problem has no solution, even though if Perally concluded simply it would be easier to carry out.

The South Kalimantan Tourism Rally National Championship will definitely be the key to the fight for the 2023 national championship because after the South Kalimantan round there is one round remaining in West Java which will be the last in 2023.

However, Officially predicts this South Kalimantan round will determine the 2023 national champion because the distance is more than 300km, which means the total points for this round will be worth 1.5 times the regular points.

I Gusti Lanang Wiweka/Adhi Surya/Taufik Rahman from East Kalimantan lead the temporary points for the 2023 Tourism Rally National Championship. The rally from the Protect Sport Jogjakarta team is temporarily ahead of the East Java senior rally from the DMO Garage team who are also national champions several times, namely Suryo Putranto/Prihatmanto /Rizky EA.

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Lanang cs already knows the South Kalimantan area so it will benefit him in the fight for the 2023 national champion throne.

The competition for the Non-Seeded national champion is also guaranteed to be exciting, Daihatsu teammates are certain to compete for the Non-Seeded national champion this season.

Ginanjar Pastika/Fudin Bili/Eko Ariyadi will face their compatriots in the Daihatsu team, women’s rally pair Monica Santoso/Pamela Agustine/Laurell Kurniasari/Margaret. The Ginanjar CS pair seemed to have gained confidence after becoming runners up in the Bali National Championship in the third round. However, Monica Santoso is considered to be more consistent in the 2023 round so she is predicted to be superior to Ginanjar cs.

It looks like the South Kalimantan national rally tourism championship will present its own surprises. Officially assesses that there is a perennial ‘underdog’ but could become a dark horse in the South Kalimantan round.

Jeffery JP/Roy Adrianto/Fredrik T Muladi will be the dark horse. Even though he has seeded B status, Roy Adrianto will immediately ‘tune in’ with Jeffery JP’s step on the accelerator and good ‘feeling’ from Fredrik T Muladi.

Minor results in several previous national championship rounds will likely end in South Kalimantan for Jeffery JP & Fredrik Muladi, who were both Hutomo Mandala Putra codrivers in the 1990s group A car rally era.
