Rector of Bogor Agriculture Institute Was Infected By Covid-19

West Java – Rector of Bogor Agriculture Institute, Prof. Arif Satria, confirmed positive Covid-19 after following swab test.

“In the midst of my solid activities, I decided to follow swab test in 18th of September and the result is positive” Arif said in his written explanation, Saturday (19/9)

Inspite of confirming positive through independent swab test, Arif decided to keep his activities as rector virtually. Because Arif felt in the good condition.

“I feel in the prime condition to complete my activities as rector through virtual coordination. I will follow health protocol for self isolation untill recovered from Covid-19” Arif Said

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Arif also decided to expand and tightened campus restriction period for 14 days since 19th of September 2020

“We followed West Java Governor, Bogor Mayor and Bogor Regent in applying restriction for entering campus” Arif said

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Last, Arif asked pray for his health and send message to Bogor Agriculture Institute crews to comply with health protocol as an early step to avoid Covid-19 transmission