UID-Elephant Single-YIUS Vaccination in South Kalimantan Reaches 20,000 Acceptors

KOTABARU – The implementation of a vaccination center in Kotabaru Regency, South Kalimantan by the Indonesian Effort Damai Foundation or also known as United in Diversity (UID) and the Indonesia For All Foundation (YIUS) was completed in early December. Records from the District Health Office on December 3 stated that there were 20,778 acceptors.

This shows that this achievement has exceeded the original target set at 20,000. The mass vaccination program supported by Gajah Tunggal and PT Pelsart Tambang Kencana and PT Indo Muro Kencana was inaugurated by the Governor of South Kalimantan Sahbirin Noor last November 5th. The UID-YIUS humanitarian mission in the province of South Kalimantan is centered in only one district, namely Kotabaru Regency which includes 21 sub-districts, and involves 23 Community Health Centers.

More than 60 vaccination centers were set up here, in addition to mobile vaccinations that visited people’s homes. This activity in South Kalimantan is part of the UID-YIUS mass vaccination coverage to the island of Kalimantan which is divided and is being carried out simultaneously in East Kalimantan and Central Kalimantan. The vaccination center program organized by UID and YIUS has been widely implemented since early September, aimed at various cities in Java, Bali, Sumatra and Kalimantan.

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This program collaborates with the Ministry of Health, local government, health services, health centers as well as TNI and Polri agencies. Foundation administrators, health office officials, sub-district heads and village heads, community health center administrators, health workers and activists from sponsoring companies, exchanged compliments and thanks for their successful collaborative work. Kota Baru Regent Sayed Jafar when reviewing one of the vaccination activities in the working area of ​​the Sungai Durian Health Center expressed his gratitude to PT Pelsart Tambang Kencana, the UID Foundation and YIUS for the assistance and vaccination services to their citizens.

Muliawan Margadana, who represented Gajah Tunggal as well as PT Pelsart Tambang Kencana and PT Indo Muro Kencana, was aware of the contrasting conditions and geographical characteristics of Kota Baru Regency between forest, mountain, and island areas. And with inadequate infrastructure, it becomes a serious challenge in the operational implementation of vaccination.

“But we are grateful that thanks to the spirit and work hand in hand between local government agencies, from the province to the sub-district, with us from the private sector, we have overcome this tough challenge,” said Muliawan.

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He also hopes that this service to others will provide further benefits for the New City. “What is clear is that it has been able to improve the achievement of vaccination in this district to above 50 percent”. Suyoto, Vice President of UID, expressed his highest appreciation for the enthusiasm and extraordinary cooperation shown by activists from UID, YIUS, Puskesmas, and local government officials in the implementation of mass vaccination in South Kalimantan.

Targets can be met, even exceeded, despite having to go through a fierce struggle against difficult terrain and inhospitable weather. Suyoto, who is fondly called Kang Yoto, said “The spirit and success in Kota Baru, South Kalimantan can be an example for UID and YIUS vaccination center activities which will still be held in several more places in Sumatra and Java”.

Secretary of the Indonesian For All Foundation, Fenty Noverita, shared the story of the tenacity of health workers and vaccinators who struggled to serve vaccination centers in hard-to-reach locations. They have to travel long distances and take longer due to poor road conditions, as well as changing modes of land, sea and river transportation. Also blocked by rain, big waves and flooding.

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At the same time they must also maintain the safety of the vaccine from the risk of damage. “We continue to monitor the temperature of the vaccine in the vaccine carrier because the travel time to get to our work area is quite long,” said Fenty Noverita citing a report submitted by a team of health workers.

To note, the vaccination centers established by UID-YIUS in 23 working areas of the Puskesmas are located in forest areas and some are also on small islands. The small islands: Marabatuan, Maradapan. Matasiri, Celebration, Harmony. Kota Baru Regency has the largest area in the province of South Kalimantan which is divided mostly in mainland Kalimantan and partly in the islands. The seat of government itself, Kota Baru, occupies Pulau Laut, an island in the southeastern corner of Borneo. Makassar Strait.

Residents are quite excited to be vaccinated, especially in a number of vaccination centers enlivened by the distribution of door prizes. In two remote locations in the working areas of the Hampang and Tanjung Selayar Health Centers, vaccination activities were carried out by going around the village, known as “village combing”, visiting people’s houses directly.

Anang Fadhilah