Various Tourism Objects in Kotabaru, Tourists Arrive

Pamalik Island, Kotabaru, South Kalimantan

KOTABARU – Kotabaru Regency holds religious tourism objects that are quite potential. Apart from religious tourism, Kotabaru district also known as “Bumi Saijaan”. There are tourist destinations that are quite attractive to local tourists and several areas in South Kalimantan from natural sea, beach tourism, a culinary delicacy in the Kotabaru Regency, South Kalimantan.

The high interest in tourism, as evidenced by the number of tourists who come to visit tourist destinations in Kotabaru district, among others, Taman Siring Laut, Teluk Tamiang Beach which is famous for its coral reef tourism, then Gedambaan Beach, an exotic natural tourist attraction and has a beautiful panorama. Which is soothing to the eye.

Besides that there is Meranti Forest Ecotourism, Tumpang Dua Waterfall, which has a panoramic attraction? The air is cool because this tourist attraction is in the mountains, so it is a reason for visitors to come? Not to forget we miss the rides provided by the Regional Government through the Kotabaru Disbudpar, to enter this tourist area, visitors do not need to spend a lot of money. Entrance ticket prices are very affordable, and there are also many other tourist destinations in Kotabaru Regency.

While for Religious Tourism, pilgrims can also visit the graves of Habib Husein (Tirawan), King Sigam and his family, Pangeran Jaya Soemitra, Prince Abdul Kadir, then Pangeran Syech Muhammad Nafis, Habib Akhmad (Tg Pinggir Pantai), Habib Mukhsein (Seratak), KH. M Hasan (Berangas), Habib Farsi (Kepayang Langkang Baru), Habib Alwi (Sarangtiung), and the tomb of H Abdul Hamid (Gunung Pahlawan Batuah).

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While the graves of religious scholars / teachers in Kotabaru Regency include KH Khusairin Imansyah (Mandin), Habib Muhammad Effendi (Sei. Paring), KH M. Ilmi (Sungup), Datuk H. Joyo Usman (Sebelimbing), Thahir (Gunungsari), the graves of KH Sulaiman Nain (Mega Indah), Habib Thahir (Mount Relly), Habib Umar (Central Mountain), Habib Alwi (Komp. Habib’s Tomb), H. Muhammad Husin bin KH Muhammad Dahlan (Indah Permai Housing, Sigam Village) and K.H Muhammad Arsyad (Gang Fajar).

One visitor to the Kotabaru tourist attraction, the Head of Ponpes Al Falah Putera Banjarbaru, KH Syamsunie, said, besides the religious tourism tour, his arrival to Kotabaru Regency with the group of ustadz and clerics of the Al Falah Ponpes Putera Banjarbaru will also visit tourist destinations on Bumi Saijaan, he said to the media crew on Wednesday (30/12).

“Last night we had time to stop by at sea siring. Looking at the natural conditions in Kotabaru, we assess that there are many potentials that seem ready to explored here, I hope Kotabaru will continue to progress, “he said.

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Besides visiting Kotabaru, he also said, after this the route of his group would visit the grave of Syekh K.H Muhammad Dahlan bin Ahmad Abbas (Master Cantung), who we had also visited the grave of Syarif Ahmad Al Idrus in Tanah Bumbu Regency, he said.

The Mudir of Ponpes Al Falah Putera Banjarbaru also gave appreciation to the Kotabaru Regency Government with its tourism programs that have made Kotabaru Regency into many tourist destinations visited and become a leading tourist destination by presenting beautiful views of the charm of the sea and several selfie spots. intagramable, the facilities at the Kotabaru Ocean Siring Park also provide culinary tours such as food stalls, gazebos and playgrounds for a place to relax with family.

“This culinary tourism spot is indeed good and suitable for relaxing. In addition, there are many menu choices of sea fish that can be ordered and the place is more attractive when the night looks beautiful with the lights,” he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Kotabaru Youth and Sports Tourism Office (Disbudpar), Khairian Ansyari, expressed his gratitude for the arrival of the Al Falah Putera Banjarbaru Islamic Boarding School group who had chosen Kotabaru Regency as a tourist destination.

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We warmly welcome the group of Al Falah Putera Banjarbaru Islamic Boarding School educators who visit Kotabaru Regency while adhering to the health protocols that were implemented during the current pandemic, said Kadisbudpar Kotabaru.

“Their goal of coming to Kotabaru district is not just to come for pilgrimage, but also to visit tourist destinations here so that they can improve the economy for the people of Kotabaru. He hopes that more visitors will come to Kotabaru district.

However, Kharin continued, in every tour visit, of course everyone must apply the Covid 19 health protocol, still have to use a mask, keep a distance and always wash hands with soap with running water, “he said.

“Hopefully this visit can add to our friendship, and of course with the arrival of new guests like a regency in South Kalimantan, it can reintroduce tourist objects on the land of Saijaan in the future through the beauty of leading tourist destinations in Kotabaru Regency, “he concluded.

Anang Fadhilah