Ombudsman Relationship in The Middle of Pandemi and The Age 10 Years

In carrying out its work, the Ombudsman divides into 3 areas, receipt and verification of reports (PVL), examination of reports and areas of prevention. It interrelates the three fields in order to encourage and guard the improvement of public services.

This year feels a little different, because there is a covid outbreak that impacts public services. From the PVL side, there were 466 public access reports, plus 80 reports of people affected by COVID-19, so if you add up there are 546 public accesses to the Ombudsman RI Representative Office for South Kalimantan.

About Covid, which numbered 80 reports, including regarding social help, health services, finance, security and transportation. Most complaints about social help, financial or credit restructuring and health.

Not all reports meet the formal requirements and can be followed up, there are at least 3 reports that do not meet the formal requirements. To improve public access, the Ombudsman also organizes PVL On The Spot activities through several radios, GOL Radio, Abdi Persada, Tanah Laut Radio and Radio Pemda Banjar. We also held it in the sub-district offices in Banjarmasin City and in various health service facilities in Banjarmasin.

I convey all public access through direct complaints to the Ombudsman’s office, or via email:, WhatsApp / telephone 0811 165 3737, Call Center 137, online at the website www. Ombudsman. go. id and through the PVL on The Spot outlet.

The Ombudsman also opened the COVID-19 Post and Online Reports / consultations either by telephone, WA, or social media., it includes the South Kalimantan Ombudsman in the top 7 representatives of the highest public access. In terms of the substance of the report the highest was land or agrarian as much as 80, social help and security as much as 60, education as much as 51, personnel 30, police 27, water 24, village 21, and 19 electricity energy, followed by banking, health, administration, licensing, PTSP, tax settlement, judiciary, etc.

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Methods of submitting reports / consultations from the public, among others, come 186 (40%), WhatsApp 105 (23%), letters 82 (18%), telephone 34 (7%), email 25 (5%), etc. 14 (3%), investigative initiatives 11 (2%), social media 8 (2%), website 1 (<1%).

Classification of reporters, submitted or by direct victims, 121 reports, followed by legal counsel 15 reports, and initiatives from the Ombudsman 14 reports.

The most reported agencies’ local governments still rank the highest at 82 reports. Followed by the National Land Agency 34, then 21 BUMN / BUMD reports and 11 police reports, 3 ministries / institutions, 2 banks, and 2 prosecutors.

Alleged maladministration, including prolonged delays 42 (27%,) not providing services 40 (26%), deviations from procedures 31 (20%), others 23 (15%), inappropriate 9 (6%), requests for money compensation, goods and services 7 (5%), abuse of authority 2 (1%), incompetent 1 (<1%).

In prevention, conducting various activities to prevent maladministration in public services. It carried this activity out in various ways, including conducting an ombudsman goes to school at SMAN 1 Peat (31 January 2020), SMKN 1 Peat (18 February 2020), SMAN Banua (25 February 2020).

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Conducted Ombudsman sit in to Jasa Raharja (29 January 2020) and Dirlantas Polda South Kalimantan (19 February 2020). Ombudsman Baelang 7 times, to North Banjarmasin District (3 January 2020), Mayor of Banjarmasin (14 February 2020), Regional Office of ATR / BPN South Kalimantan (14 February 2020), Smat FM / Motion Radio (14 February 2020), South Kalimantan Dispersip (21 February 2020), Banjarmasin Police (February 28, 2020), South Kalimantan Provincial KPU (March 13, 2020).

The Ombudsman greeted him 12 times in the form of dialogue through RRI Banjrmasin with various themes. Thematic discussion, with the theme “Smart Governance Development” (03 March 2020 at Banjarmasin Smart Center). Doing mystery shopping to Sultan Suriansyah Hospital.

This year successfully published 2 books with the theme of becoming the Ombudsman, a decade’s journey, and maladministration during a pandemic, the books have been distributed to all Ombudsman representative offices and various parties as part of the socialization.

Successfully conducted 7 quick studies on public services, including the implementation of service standards for the Office of Religious Affairs in Banjarmasin City, monitoring virtual court sessions, monitoring medical waste, determining the status of documents and handling them as evidence, readiness to implement health protocols for the 2020 Pilkada, implementation routine duties of the police as a member of the task force to accelerate the handling of covid-19, readiness of health protocols for the 2020 Pilkada.

Make news or representative news as much as 207 news. Made 36 podcasts with various themes about ombudsman and public service. As well as accepting apprentices from UIN Antasari Banjarmasin 2 generations (22 people), STMIK 1 batch (2 people), UNISKA 1 batch (4 people), FISIP ULM 1 batch (2 people), Banjarmasin Poliban 1 batch (3 people), STIENAS Banjarmasin 1 batch (3 people).

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In addition to carrying out the above programs, Ombudsman Representatives also carry out various activities in order to improve service quality, including: Implementing the declaration of the development of an Integrity Zone Towards a Corruption-Free Area and a Clean Serving Biroration Area. Signing of the Integrity Pact by the Ombudsman; Creating PVL SOP, Maladministration Inspection and Prevention; Create a mini library and a dedicated Podcast room; Create an archive house; Providing facilities for vulnerable groups such as toilets for disabilities, wheelchairs, lactation corners, special parking for people with disabilities, parking for women; Provide a designated smoking area.

In terms of budget realization, Management Support Program and Other Technical Implementation, the total budget is Rp. 450,550,000, the realization was Rp. 447,670,605 (99, 36%). Completion of Public Reports / Complaints, total budget of Rp. 161,108,800, the realization of Rp. 160,997,500 (99.93%).

This release is conveyed as information about the activities carried out by the Indonesian Ombudsman, the Representative of South Kalimantan. This year feels different, not only because of the covid-19 outbreak, also because the Indonesian Ombudsman Representative of South Kalimantan is exactly 10 years old.

*) Noorhalis Majid, Head of the Indonesian Ombudsman Representative of South Kalimantan