Bambang Satrio Lelono Leads the Alumni of Smaga Surakarta

Solo – Alumni of SMA Negeri 3 Surakarta successfully held the First Virtual Alumni National Conference (Munas) in Indonesia, Saturday (3/10/20) through the Zoom Clouds Meeting application, attended by 38 batches. This activity aims to show alumni organizations that are modern, transparent, accountable, and beneficial to alumni, alma mater, and society.

The national conference, which was held virtually, was attended by 137 representatives from the class from 1959 to 2020, both regular and accelerated classes. Activities are carried out virtually because the Covid-19 pandemic has not ended.

KP Bambang Pradononagoro SH, chief executive of the National Conference said that the alumni of Smaga Solo succeeded in being the first to hold virtual alumni deliberations in Indonesia. “This National Conference is proof that the Smaga alumni diaspora throughout Indonesia has a high commitment in contributing to the alma mater and fellow alumni,” said Bambang.

In the National Conference which was attended by a number of big national names, Bambang Satrio Lelono, who was an alumni of Smaga Solo class of 1981, was elected as Chairman of the Alumni of Smaga Solo. Satrio, nicknamed Bambang Satrio Lelono, is currently the Head of the Planning and Development Agency (previously the Director General of Training and Productivity Development) of the Ministry of Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia.

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In a press conference held on Sunday (4/10/20), Satrio stated that the mandate received was a form of trust among fellow alumni. “I consider this a mandate from fellow alumni so that I accept this mandate to jointly make positive contributions for alumni, alma mater, and the general public,” said Satrio.

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Furthermore, Satrio stated that the human resources in the alumni of Smaga Solo were extraordinary because they had given birth to the best sons and daughters of the Indonesian nation. (Aska)