1.200 Unissula Faculty of Law Students are Competent in Writing Articles

Semarang – As many as 1.200 students of the Faculty of Law (FH) Sultan Agung Islamic University (Unissula) Semarang were declared competent to write articles. They have graduated from the Indonesian Journalism School (SJI) held by the Indonesian Journalists Association (PWI) of Central Java Province.

This was conveyed by the Principal of the Indonesian Journalism School (SJI) Central Java, Solikun when he opened SJI Generation X which was held by PWI Central Java, Monday (5/10/2020). This activity has been carried out since 2016 (Generation I) until now it has been included in Generation X. Apart from Unissula, several other campuses have also held the same activities as at Panca Sakti University (UPS) Tegal, University of Alquran Science (Unsiq) (Wonosobo), and State Islamic University (UIN) Walisongo Semarang.

“Before this pandemic, we held SJI face to face. But this time we held it online through the Zoom Clouds Meeting, ” said Solikun.

He said the SJI at FH Unissula lasted three days. On the first day, the material was delivered “The Development of Mass Media and Journalism Today”, while the second day was taught “Article Writing Techniques, Systematics, and Stages of Article Writing Practices”.

“On the third day, the article Writing Practice Guidance was taught. Each meeting should be a minimum of four hours. In Generation X, the collaboration between SJI PWI Central Java and FH Unissula was attended by 139 students at the final stage, ” he explained.

Of the 139 students, divided into three classes with each teacher. the lecturers are senior journalists who are also the administrators of PWI Central Java, namely Widiyartono, Sosiawan, and Ahmad Zaenal Muttaqin.

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Distinguishing Factors

Meanwhile, Chairman of the Indonesian Journalists Association (PWI) Central Java Amir Machmud NS said this activity was a response to the desire of several campuses in Central Java to gain journalistic knowledge.

“Because according to them (campus-ed), writing skills are considered very important for continuing studies. Now, academics, if they do not have the ability to write, will be left behind, ” explained Amir Machmud, who had just been re-elected as Chair of the Central Java PWI for the 2020-2025 period.

He added, students who have writing skills will have a distinguishing factor. “This program is indeed a compulsory extracurricular for final year students of the Faculty of Law, Unissula,” he said.

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Dean of the Faculty of Law Unissula, Prof  Dr H Gunarto SH MHum, said that this collaboration had made a positive contribution to improving the quality and added value of Unissula Faculty of Law graduates. Graduates are considered capable and competent in the field of article writing and legal opinion.

“From our survey results, one of the weaknesses of Law Faculty graduates is the weak ability to write legal opinions. So with the activities of this Journalism School, these weaknesses can be overcome. Since the first time in 2016 until now, Unissula Faculty of Law graduates who have attended journalism school are now quite adept at writing articles and legal opinions, ” he explained. (Aska)