OIKN, Ministry of PUPR Prepare Flood Mitigation Infrastructure

Jakarta – The Nusantara Capital City Authority (OIKN) and the Ministry of Public Works and Housing (PUPR) are preparing flood mitigation infrastructure in the area around Nusantara Capital City (IKN).


“OIKN has made various efforts to mitigate flooding, including by building weirs, ponds, and retention ponds that are being carried out by the PUPR Ministry and are currently still running. In addition, flood control infrastructure is also being built in watershed areas (DAS) and preparation of an integrated watershed management plan at the IKN and forest and land rehabilitation by the BPDAS Mahakam Berau,” OIKN Secretary Achmad Jaka Santos Adiwijaya noted in a statement in Jakarta, Monday.

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Adiwijaya had stated that earlier, the IKN Authority had also identified the potential for flooding in several areas in Sepaku Village, as the flood location in that area was a low-lying area where floods had frequently occurred before.


To this end, the OIKN along with other stakeholders is building infrastructure to deal with flooding in the area around IKN, especially in Sepaku Village.


The OIKN has identified the cause of flooding in Sepaku Village in the Nusantara region, East Kalimantan, on March 17.

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The reason is the rain that occurs upstream and the presence of culverts that are not optimal, thereby resulting in an increase in surface runoff coupled with factors, such as erosion and sedimentation and siltation of the river.


Adiwijaya ensured that the handling of floods in Sepaku Village had been carried out well owing to the cooperation of all stakeholders, such as the BPBD of North Penajam Paser Regency, the TNI, police, districts, sub-districts, the Ministry of PUPR, the OIKN, and others.


“The water has receded since the morning of March 18,” he stated.

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The OIKN has held meetings with related parties, and on March 20, a coordination meeting will be held with all parties to discuss short-term management plans for the next three months, mid-medium, year-end, and long-term in flood prevention and control.


“OIKN will continue to be committed to paying attention to disaster risks and management, including flooding in affected areas, including in Sepaku Village. All efforts will continue to be made to minimize the impact of the disaster that occurred and maintain public safety,” Adiwijaya remarked.

