Pringsewu Vice Regent Appeal People to Travel in Christmas Holiday

Fauzi - Vice Regent of Pringsewu

Pringsewu – Vice Regent of Pringsewi District, Fauzi, appealed people to not travel out side district in Christmas and New Year holiday to avoid crowding. Especially to zone are of Covid-19 transmission. Moreever, there were a rise number of Covid-19 transmission in Pringsewu District. According to press release from Pringsewu Covid-19 taskforce, there were 101 active cases in 14th of December 2020.

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Fauzin said, tuesday (15/12) that need self-awareness and responsbility to minimize incleaning number of Covid-19 transmission in Pringsewu. People ough to discipline in implenting health protocol, always washing hand by soap or water flow before starting activities, using face mask, keeping physical distancing and avoidng crowd.

Fauzi hope people to stay at home and do not go away out of distrcit especially to zone territory to avoid Covid-19 transmission.

Looking to experiences, Covid-19 transmission mostly happened because of travelling out of district.

“It is possible that some one is health before go away out of district or does not have symptomps, but somedoes not aware he carry out viruses and transmit them to others people around him. Beware about it because it can be very danger especially for elder people, children and another vurnerable people with existing illness” Fauzi explained

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