Lampung Regional Election ; Temporary Voters List Was Published

Bandar Lampung – As mentioned by as part group, temporary voters list for regional election of Lampung Province have been published since 19-28 of September. There were 322.824 of voters that have been determined by General Election Commision (KPUD) of Lampung

Program and Data Division Coordinator of Lampung KPUD, I Gede Klipz Darmaja, al of temporary list for regional election of Lampung are voters by name for every polls and that is why all of parties and candidates could check the data that have been sticked in strategic announcement place by voting committee.

At this moment, KPUD with his data team is being mutiplied temporary voters list to sorted regarding to each villages and sub-district area. Way Kanan KPUD asked respond and participation from public, Bawaslu (Election Supervisory Body), villages apparatues and tim of candidate to correct voters data until to determined as final voters list

Have been known that KPUD have determined that temporary list voters for regional election in his plenary meeting in 8 of September are 322.824 voters. Those are Blambangan Umpu 23.903, Umpu semenguk 21.822, Negeri agung 25.922, Bahuga 8.177, Buay Bahuga 15.323, Way tuba 17.460, Bumi Agung 19.091, Pakuan Ratu 29.400, Negeri Besar 14.717, Negara Batin 24.504, Gunung Labuhan 21.493, Baradatu 30.159, Kasui 22.363, Banjit 32.504 dan Rebang Tangkas 15.986.

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Plenary meeting for recapitulation of temporary list voters improvement to be final list voters will be scheduled in 9 – 16 of October 2020. Gede Klipz convinced that in 30 of September untuk 8 Desember toward election day, Voters Committee wil deliver C6 to voters as announcement, not invitation, to choose in accordance to pools

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“That is why if we our data have been listed in final list of voters yet not receive C6, people still can choose his candidate” Gede explained