Ahead of the PSU, NU Masses Should Not Be Prevented

BANJARMASIN – The increasing political temperature ahead of the upcoming June 9 South Kalimantan Governor Election PSU has raised concerns for many parties. A political observer at the NU University of South Kalimantan, HM Syarbani Haira, feels uneasy to see the drastic political dynamics heating. He also invited many parties, especially NU residents, not to be provoked. Especially in the age of slander that has spread everywhere nowadays.

“I have communicated with many parties so that the upcoming June 9 PSU will not cause conflict in the community,” said the Head of South Kalimantan PWNU Tanfidziah for the 2007 – 2017 period.

Syarbani admitted he had been diligent in visiting and staying in touch with the NU elites, the leaders of the boarding school and the ”Taklim” Council and other Muslim elites. Its only big mission is that we should not divide the ummah because of different choices. “Alhamdulillah, the scholars and elites of NU agree that the harmony of the Ummah is a priority” said the chairperson of the Syuro Board of the As-Su’ada

Campus Mosque, Syeikh Abdul Qadir Hasan, NU University of South Kalimantan. According to Syarbani, since he entered the elite ranks of the South Kalimantan PWNU in 1997 until now, he has always echoed the spirit of tawasuth, tasamuh and tawazun among the nahdliyyin residents. The attitude of tawasuth is an attitude of moderate or not extreme end and extreme right. Tasamuh is kind and forgiving.

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Tawazun is balanced, and always in the middle of the road. This is part of the doctrine of ahlus as-sunnah wal-jamaah, which was later adopted by NU as a political and societal attitude. All NU leaders, activists and congregations live if up to well, of course it will not immerse them in the emotional support of political choices. The community, especially the residents of NU South Kalimantan, said Syarbani, could live in peace side by side, if NU’s ideals and teachings were implemented.

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Even though they may have different political choices, including the upcoming PSU. If to this day there are differences in views at the grassroots, then that is the elite that must be able to enlighten them. Don’t let the NU elites even provoke the ummah, whose political awareness Syarbani admits is still diverse and fluctuating.

anang fadhilah