West Sumatra Bank of Republic Indonesia Temporary Closed for Covid-19

West Sumatra BRI Office

Padang – 70 employers from Bank of Republic Indonesia (BRI) of West Sumatra Province office have infected by corona virus. Consequently, official office of BRI in Jl. Bagindo Azizkhan Padang is closed temporary. Speaker of Covid-19 West Sumatra Taskforce, Jasman Rizal, said this is a new cluster. Wednesday (23/9)

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“It is true. There were 24 people yesterday, and 50 people for today” Jasman said. According to suggestion of Province Taskforce, BRI will close his office for public temporary. Furthermore, all of BRI office in Padang city will be sprayed by disinfectant for three days before allowing BRI employers to enter in.

“It is better for employer to follow swap test first. Who confirmed negative from Covid-19 will allowed to enter the office. For every one who did not have swab test result, could not allowed to enter the office. However, work from home system is the priority. For every one who work in office, still to follow Covid-19 protocol and reduced service” Jasman explained

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Meanwhile Regional Office of BRI Padang conviced that they will follow Covid-19 Taskforce’s suggestion because those are a strategic an vital steps