State-Owned Indonesian Plantation Corporation IV Allocate More Than 3 Billion Rupiah for Economic Recovery Program

PTPN Corporate Social Responsbility Program

Medan – State-Owned Indonesian Plantation Corporation IV (PTPN IV) will allocate more than 3 billions rupiah to support Economic National Recovery (PEN) through partnership program, community development and corporate social responsibility program (CSR) for the last three months of 2020 year

PTPN IV allocated more than 16.1 billion rupiah since January to September period. President Director of PTPN IV, Sucipto Prayitno, said in Direction Office of PTPN IV, Jl Letjend Suprapto Number 2 Medan. Tuesday (22/9)

PTPN IV will allocate fund to 113 fostered partners through soft loand and there are 7 objects of social community, education and training, worship place, and public infrastructure for community development. Meanwhile, there are 9 objects for CSR programs and will allocate to around PTPN IV operational which are spread in 10 districts of North Sumatra province, Sucipto Prayitno said

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Those three programs run as a corporate social responsibilities to society as well as an effort corporation to support Economic National Recovery (PEN/Pemulihan Ekonomi Nasional) because PTPN IV is one of Plantation State-Owned Enterprises

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“State-Owned Enterprises is from people that is why all of State-Owned Enterprises have to grow and develop with people around” First man of PTPN IV said