The Structure of Tourism Facilities and Infrastructure in Rinca Island, Komodo National Park

Jakarta – Komodo National Park (KNP) designated in 1980 has a global label, as a Biosphere Reserve (1977) and World Heritage (1991) by UNESCO, has an area of ​​173,300 Ha, consisting of 58,449 Ha (33.76%) land and 114,801 Ha ( 66.24%) waters. From this area, the Land Use Zone for Tourism is 824 Ha (0.4%) and the Zone for Marine Tourism Use is 1,584 Ha (0.95%). So the development of natural tourism is very limited, only in the Use Zone. This is the precautionary principle that has been established since the planning of management space in KNP.


Tourist activities in KNP have attracted both domestic and foreign tourists. Since its establishment as a National Park until now, the infrastructure (sarpras) in KNP has been continuously developed for both educational tourism and research. The structure sarpras that is being carried out in the Loh Buaya Valley of Rinca TNK Island by the Ministry of PUPR has reached 30% of the plan which will be completed in June 2021. Currently, the arrangement is entering the stage of demolishing existing buildings and removing debris, cleaning pile caps, and making piles. .


Director General of Conservation of Natural Resources and Ecosystems of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK), Wiratno, said that the population of Komodo dragons in the Loh Buaya Valley is relatively stable and has even increased in recent years. The total number of Komodo dragons in 2018 was 2,897 people and in 2019 it increased to 3,022 people or an increase of 125 people. The population concentration is on Komodo Island and Rinca Island. There were only 7 people on Padar Island, 69 people on Gili Motang, and 91 people on Nusa Kode.

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“The population of Komodo dragon lizards in the Loh Buaya Valley is 5% of population on Rinca Island or around 66. Even the Komodo dragon lizard population in the Loh Buaya Valley for the last 17 years has been relatively stable with a slight trend of increasing in the last 5 years,” said Wiratno, Thursday (29/10/2020).


From these facts, Wiratno said that if protected seriously and consistently, by minimizing contact with animals, then tourism activities at current conditions are considered not to endanger the Komodo dragon population in the Loh Buaya Valley area of ​​500 hectares, or about 2.5% of the area of ​​Rinca Island. which reaches 20,000 Ha.


Sarpras structuring activities (crocodile pier, beach guard, evelated deck, information center, ranger / researcher / guide hut) are in the administrative area of ​​Pasir Panjang Village, Komodo District, West Manggarai Regency. For that, the activity of transporting construction materials using heavy equipment must be carried out, because it is not possible to use human labor. The use of heavy equipment, such as trucks, excavators and others, has been carried out with prudence principles.

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“Based on observations, the number of Komodo dragon lizards that often roam around the sarpras arrangement area in Loh Buaya is estimated to be ± 15. Some of them have behaviors that do not shy away from humans. In order to make sure the safety and protection of Komodo dragons including workers, all sarpras arrangement activities are supervised by 5 – 10 rangers every day. They intensively check the whereabouts of Komodo dragons, including under buildings, former buildings, and under trucks carrying materials, “explained Wiratno.


The population of Komodo dragons in the KNP area is on five main islands, namely Komodo, Rinca, Padar, Nusa Kode (Gili Dasami) and Gili Motang. Meanwhile, on the island of Flores, Komodo dragon lizards can be found in four conservation areas, namely the Wae Wuul Nature Reserve, Wolo Tado, Riung, and in the Seventeen Islands Nature Park, to be precise on Ontoloe Island. In addition, the population can also be found in protected forest areas, other use areas (APL) on the west and north coast of the island of Flores and in the KEE (Essential Ecosystem Area) Pota Protected Forest.

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The Komodo dragon (Varanus komodoensis) is one of the best known endemic animals to the world community. Komodo dragons are protected based on Minister of Environment and Forestry Regulation Number. 106 / MENLHK / SEKJEN / KUM.1 / 12/2018. The native inhabitants of Komodo Island, call it the local name “ora”, have a very large morphology and body size, making the Komodo dragon known as the largest living lizard and one of the most famous reptiles in the world.


During the pandemic, KNP visitors on Rinca Island were also limited to ± 150 people per day, even on normal days only 10-15 people per day. This is for the sake of preserving the Komodo dragon lizard, and for the success of government directives to prevent the spread of the Covid-19 Virus.


In order to support the work of structuring natural tourism sarpras, which will be better for visitors at the Loh Buaya Resort, the KLHK TNK Hall temporarily closed the Loh Buaya TNK Resort starting from 26 October 2020 to 30 June 2021, and it will be evaluated every 2 (two) once a week. Progress of development will be informed by the officer. Other destination places / locations such as Padar, Loh Liang (Komodo Island), Pink Beach and Spot Dive (Karang Makasar, Batubolang, Siaba, Mawan, etc.) are still open.

Anang Fadhilah