Joni Hendri, a Nomad Expected as Payakumbuh Regent

Payakumbuh – Many cadidates who will run for Payakumbuh election at 2022 emerged. Some candidates such as YB. Dt. Parmato Alam, Endang Irzal, Almaisyar, Irsyad Syafar, Erwin Yunaz, Chairul Anwar, and Tri Venindra are some figures predicted to follow Payakumbuh election.

One of the candidate that can be ignored is Joni Hendri. A success entrepreneur in health devices from Koto Nan Godang Payakumbuh. When others business declined dramatically at pandemic time, Hendri’s business incleaned sharply and smoothly

When asked by press, Tuesday (26/01) wether Joni ready to be Vice Mayor candidate, Joni answered clearly that it is better for him to be number one. “If number two, better for to continue my business in Jakarta” Joni Hendri said decisively

“We want to dedicate as Riza Falepi, Payakumbuh Mayor. What is the meaning of dedication if compared to a little salary of Mayor. In addition, authority can not play government projects easily because there is KPK (Commision of Corruption Eradication) and transparant system” Joni explained

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Joni considered that it is not easy to continue with Rize done. Rize has an amazing achievement and need extra effort to compete Riza’s achievment

“According to us, it is better to keep sustainability or continuity. In the next I will discuss with previous Vice Mayor to know what done and what have to be done and the next dream ought to reach for better Payakumbuh” Joni said

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When Riza Falepi asked wether Joni Hendri will moving forward as Social Justice Party candidate, Riza answered diplomatically.

“We will give chance to socialization. If have good electability, we are the same Koto Nan Gadang people, it is not difficult to looking for chemistry proximity. Depend on Payakumbuh citizen wether to choose him or not especially relatives in Kota Nan Godang” Riza said, Tuesday (26/01)
