Mournful Story of Six Brothers in Pandemi Covid-19 Time

Mournful Story of Six Brothers in North Sumatra

North Sumatra – Mournfull story in pandemic time have to be faced by Cantika Cian Patrecia Rajagukguk (8) with his five little brothers. A young girl from Meda City of North Sumatra, told his story to journalist Friday (4/9)

As told by, six brothers have to withstand with hunger all day because there are nothing to eat. Economic difficulty is the main cause because their father only a back up driver

To fulfil their need, Cantika forced to take a grunt work. Every think she did to save his family. Social assitance program from goverment in pandemic time only 20 Kilogram rice for twenty months. Sametime they received assitance neighbours but in little quantity

Accompanied by his little broher, Meisya Putri, Petricia said that she and his little brothers has to go out from his school. In contrast, Patricia never lost his obsession to be a doctor. A smiling girl never surrender and hope that goverment could give a special assitance for his family

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“We eager to school actually, but we are poor people. My little brother willing to go out from his school in order to take care our littl brothers alternately”  Cantika said with his tears in his face

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Meanwhile chiep of Peduli Pemulung Sejahtera Foundation, non-goverment organization for poor people, said that goverment have to give more attention to his citizine in pandemic era. Jokowi administrative vision about nawa cita or many social assitance have to be perceived by poor people directly