North Sumatra SMSI Visited and Assited A Hunger Family in Pandemic Time

North Sumatra – SMSI, Serikat Media Siber Indonesia/Indonesia Cyber Media Union, visited and assisted a hunger family and dropped out students from school in pandemic time after receiving their mournful story in online media, Saturday (5/9)

Accompanied by Ronny Purba, Agus Syafruddin Lubis, Erris Julieta Napituulu, Irma, Irwan Manulu, Chief of SMSI, Ir Zulfikar Tanjung gave groceries for helping that family

Tanjung said “We received information from our members who found a sorrow family in pandemic time. They can not eat and have to dropped out from their school. We forced all of people, especially Governor and Vice Governor of North Sumatra, and Medan Mayor to give more attention to theirs citizen”


However Zulfikar insisted that a social complicated proble in pandemic era is not only an obligation for goverment, but also obligation for all

Accroding to his assitance, Zulfikar reminded “Do not look to the quantity of our grocerries.  As an online journalist association we want to remind our member of association to give more attention on people condition in pandemic time. We convinced that goverment have attention to his citizen condition, but they do not received sufficient information”

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Meanwhile Erris Julietta Napitupulu added that according to direction of Central Board of SMSI, North Sumutra SMSI have to visit a hunger and a droppe student directly. All of assistances from North Sumatra SMSI are included from Hendry Ch Bangun; Vice Chairman of Press Council, President Director of siberindo and Advisory Board of SMSI

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As family representation, Maha Rajakgukguk an Frenki Rajakgukguk said thanks you for SMSI assistance. “We are affected by the coming of SMSI board to ease our burden. May SMSI always in victory and sound fate of poor citizen condition” Maha said