Gov’t Will Accommodate People’s Aspirations on New Autonomous Regions

Jakarta – The government will take everyone’s aspirations into account and seek their participation with regard to the establishment of Papua’s new autonomous regions, the Presidential Staff Office (KSP) has said.

Deputy V of the Chief of Presidential Staff Office Jaleswari Pramodhawardani informed that the discussion on the new autonomous regions is currently underway, and Papuans have been urged to provide suggestions for its better implementation.

“The government is very (welcoming) of various aspirations and participation from everyone. The creation of a new autonomous region in Papua is a new system and design to develop a Papua that is holistically and sustainably prosperous,” she said in a press statement here on Saturday.

Pramodhawardani emphasized that the formation of the autonomous regions in Papua is a strategic solution by the government to address poverty, further improve people’s welfare, and promote development in Papua region.

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The solutions include adding more service centers in order to broaden their scope, pursuing the development of medical and education aspects, pushing down costs, and addressing difficulties in access to public services in the interior and outer regions of Papua, she added.

Currently, Papua is trapped in a cycle of poverty, she said. This situation cannot be changed without the implementation of a special strategy, such as refocusing the development of growth centers, including bringing public service centers closer.

She cited the experience of mountain people as an example. It is not easy for them to access administrative services as this involves traveling long distances using air transportation, which is difficult and expensive, but they have no option because the public service center is located in the provincial capital, she said.

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The large area of the province and the small population has led to the isolation of such communities, she said.

To address the issue, there needs to be a refocusing of service centers, which would involve bringing public service centers closer to residential areas through the expansion of branches.

“With the addition of the provincial capital, there will be more hospitals, schools, and other service units at provincial levels. This will reduce costs, and the development budget will not be used up for expensive transportation,” Pramodhawardani said.

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The House of Representative’s Legislation Body has passed three drafts of the Bill on the Establishment of New Autonomous Regions (DOB) in Papua Province.

They include the Bill for the Establishment of South Papua Province, the Bill for the Establishment of Central Papua Province, and the Bill for the Establishment of Pegunungan Tengah (Central Mountains) Province.

The President has urged the House of Representatives to initiate the DIM (problem inventory list) discussion.

The government has also accepted people’s suggestions regarding the proposal for new autonomous regions of North Papua Islands and the new autonomous regions of Southwest Papua – all of which are still being discussed by the Legislation Body.

Anang Fadhilah/ant