Indonesia’s Digitization Is Not Even, Metaverse Keeps Moving

JAKARTA- Digitization has not been evenly distributed throughout Indonesia. Such a situation will not stop the progress of the latest digital civilization which is still in the 4.0 phase category.

It would be unfair if technological progress was stopped on the grounds that many residents of various islands in Indonesia do not fully understand the metaverse, or even that some are not familiar with the internet.

Let the doors of technological progress remain wide open, and residents who do not understand to slowly follow suit. Those are the common threads of thought that surfaced in the discussion held by the SMSI Lingkar Merdeka Discussion Forum, Wednesday, February 2, 2022 at the SMSI Office on Jalan Veteran, Central Jakarta.

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Present as the speakers for the founders of Bukit Algorithm Budiman Sudjatmiko and Tedy Tri Tjahyono In the series discussion ahead of the 5th anniversary of the Indonesian Cyber ​​Media Union (SMSI) in Jakarta, March 7, 2022, the General Chairperson of SMSI Firdaus, Secretary General of SMSI Mohammad Nasir, Member of the Council SMSI Center Advisor Ervik Ari Susanto, and Nishal Dillon (Independence Circle Discussion Forum).

“The door of development should not be closed for technological progress, for those who have mastered technology, and those who have not,” said Budiman Sudjatmiko.

Even if there are still many who do not understand the latest developments in digital technology, Budiman said, it is a shared responsibility to inform and teach them. “That’s the obligation of all of us, the government, lecturers, teachers, and seniors who understand about new technology, about the metaverse,” said Budiman.

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“Not because many people don’t understand and then they are banned. In the era of democracy, the door must be opened as wide as possible, for anyone who wants to come in,” added Budiman.

According to Tedy Tri Tjahyono (from Algorithm Hill), currently still in the 4.0 era, not yet in 5.0. Later, according to estimates, when it enters the 5.0 era, people are daydreaming, or thinking, the contents of their minds can be downloaded. And, this is not yet imagined how the technology.

Agreeing with Budiman, General Chairperson of SMSI Firdaus said that his party had invited all 1,700 members of cyber media company owners to adapt to the latest technology, metaverse and business patterns. In fact, SMSI has also formed a network among teenagers throughout Indonesia under the name Millennial Cyber ​​Media.

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“All this goes hand in hand with the latest digital technology,” said Firdaus.

Meanwhile, Ervik Ari Susanto hopes that the government will help provide an internet-supporting infrastructure network throughout Indonesia. This is important for equitable distribution of digital use for various purposes, especially economic development throughout the country.

“The goal is to bring the noble progress of the Indonesian nation, for the welfare of this nation,” said Budiman.

Anang Fadhilah