LPBH NU, LBH Ansor, and HIPMI Defend H. Maming and Ask the Judicial Commission to Monitor Corruption Trials in Banjarmasin

JAKARTA- Representatives from LPBH NU, LBH Ansor, and HIPMI on Friday, April 22, 2022, visited the Judicial Commission (KY) building for an audience and at the same time submitted a request for KY to send a team to monitor the trial of the corruption case Number 6/Pid. Sus-TPK/2022/PN Bjm currently underway at the Banjarmasin Corruption Court with the Defendant Dwidjono Putrohadi Sutopo.


LPBH NU, LBH Ansor, and HIPMI are concerned about the intervention and interference of malicious parties who want to intervene in the judiciary to criminalize H. Mardani H. Maming, a witness in the trial of this case, who is also the General Treasurer of PBNU and General Chair of HIPMI. Therefore, the Judicial Commission is expected to carry out monitoring to ensure that the trial proceeds freely, honestly and impartially (free, fair, and impartial).

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With the permission of the Panel of Judges presented in the agenda of the previous trial, H. Mardani last week (18/4/22) has fulfilled the summons and has been present at the online trial. However, the Panel of Judges did not give H. Mardani a chance to testify and even ordered the prosecutor to make a forced summons.


“We are frankly surprised by the change in the attitude of the Panel of Judges. We certainly hope that the Panel of Judges cannot be intervened by parties with bad intentions towards the General Treasurer of PBNU. That is why we came to KY to ask KY to send a trial monitoring team,” said Dendy Z. Finsa, S.H., M.H., Coordinator of the Litigation Division of LBH Ansor.

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In addition, M. Hakam Aqsha, Secretary of LPBH NU also questioned the misguidance of public opinion against H. Mardani, “We are closely monitoring the corruption trial in Banjarmasin. The most striking irregularity is when Mr. Mardani, whose capacity is only as a witness, is positioned as if he is a prisoner. This evil framing and misdirection of public opinion must be stopped immediately, moreover it is always associated with his position as Bendum PBNU.”


Complementing the statement made by his two colleagues, Irfan Idham, S.H., M.H., C.L.A., the Head of Legal Affairs of HIPMI conveyed his hope to KY, “We really hope that KY can monitor and prevent this trial and not be used as a venue for judgment and criminalization of our General Chairperson who only as a witness.” Closing his statement, Irfan expressed his appreciation for the Judicial Commission which has received well the representatives of the three organizations and conveyed its commitment to create judicial independence, “Thank God we have been well received and even the Head of the Judicial Supervision Bureau, Pak Mulyadi, said that KY with the permission of the commissioner will lower team to supervise the proceedings”.

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