The Association of Indonesian Turtle Conservationists Organizes the 2022 Perkutut League

Banjarmasin – After being inaugurated by the Chairperson of the Regional Board of the All-Indonesian Turtlefish Conservation Association, South Kalimantan (P3SI, South Kalimantan Province), the Regional Government of P3Si Banjarmasin immediately stepped on the gas–ready to carry out turtledove racing activities throughout 2022. May June July August September to October

“With the formation of the new management of the Banjarmasin P3SI, led by Anwar Setiawan, we hope that the Banjarmasin P3SI Regional Administration will soon hold a turtledove competition, namely the Turtledove League,” hoped the South Kalimantan P3SI Regional Administrator Drs Syarifuddin, after opening the Banjarmasin P3SI coordination meeting at Kedaikoe Jalan A Yani Km 3 Banjarmasin City, Wednesday night (12/1/2022).

Chairperson of the South Kalimantan P3SI Regional Office, Drs Syarifuddin, after opening the Banjarmasin City P3SI coordination meeting at Kedaikoe Jalan A Yani Km 3 Banjarmasin City, Wednesday night (12/1/2022).

Syarifuddin said, the presence of turtledove lovers in South Kalimantan continues to increase, of course there are activities such as the Turtledove League that will encourage them. “The turtledove League’s activities will certainly excite turtledove lovers, breeders, and provide a multiplier effect for the South Kalimantan economy, as well as support tourism,” said the energetic man who is also the Head of Organizational Division of IMI South Kalimantan.

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Meanwhile, Anwar Setiawan, who was asked to be the Chair of P3SI Banjarmasin City, has also compiled a calendar of turtle dove competitions in 2022. “Our hope is that through the event calendar that has been prepared by the P3SI Regional Office of South Kalimantan and the City of Banjarmasin, we will revive the turtle dove competition in South Kalimantan,” he said.

The calendar of activities for the South Kalimantan P3SI Turtledove League, namely, March 13 turtledove competition Tugu Muda Cup in Semarang City, Central Java, April 22 Ronggo Sukowati Cup in Pamekasan Madura, East Java, May 26 KLH Cup in Bogor City West Java, June 24 P3SI Anniversary in Malang City, East Java, 21 August Siliwangi Cup in Tasikmalaya, West Java, September 18, Hamengku Buwono Cup in Yogyakarta, October 16, Cinta Satwa Cup in Pasuruan, East Java, November 13, National Heroes Cup in Surabaya, East Java and December 11th National Police Chief Cup/National Championship Cup in Semarang, Central Java.

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Anang Fadhilah