Matters of Connection until Affecting Covid-19

Keekness against COVID-19 because it is an invisible enemy. Only with an enormous microscope we can see its form. Because only virus scientists can see and recognize the figure of COVID-19, not everyone believes COVID-19 exists. In Indonesia there are about 44 million people who do not believe it. The problem of people who do not believe that COVID-19 exists is a dilemma for the government.

Killing COVID-19 only works if it is still outside the body of its host, our bodies and the animals that COVID-19 used to stop by. Where is COVID-19 outside the body?

In places where we estimate the possibility of COVID-19 being in all public places, hospitals, health centers, pharmacies, clinical laboratories, apart from terminals, stations, airports, markets, cinemas, restaurants, gyms, places of worship, supermarkets., mall. In short, all public spaces.

Because to eradicate after COVID-19 enters the body, there is no effective medicine yet, it is important to eradicate it as long as COVID-19 is still outside the body. Where did COVID-19 come from?

Of course COVID-19 comes from a person whose body carries it, already looks sick or maybe without or has not shown symptoms. And the way COVID-19 comes out of the body of the carrier, through breathing, when people talk, cough or sneeze. For that reason, masks need to be worn. We keep the distance as far as possible COVID-19 can be sprayed. Maybe 2 meters will not be enough if the mask is not used considering that the COVID-19 bursts are not just droplet or saliva splashes anymore, but can already pass through aerosols, which are smoother bursts similar to fog (fine mist) that not only spout over 10. meters, but can fly several hours in the air. Again, this happens without a mask. But do masks one hundred percent guarantee that they will not infect us?

Depending on the type of mask, and how to use it. Only standardized masks can be trusted and surgical masks, even though only 89 percent of COVID-19’s protective power, and only 95 percent of N-95 masks. But other masks are less than 89 percent protective. What does this mean?

This means that there is still the potential for Covid to break out and enter the nose-throat, even though a mask is worn. This potential occurs if the distance between humans is close enough to transmit and receive COVID-19, which when exhaled by a 1.5 meter breath, coughs 2 meters, and sneezes over 6 meters. What if aerosols occur? Bursts can be over 10 meter and fly 3 meter. This means that in an area that far the air has been polluted, if there is a Covid carrier.

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Our fate when we are during air that has been contaminated with COVID-19 is determined by how close we are to the source of the Covid carrier, how long we talk to it, and or how long we are in the middle of polluted air, whether in a closed room with aircon. The closer to being close to the Covid carrier, the longer we talk and / or are in the air that has been contaminated with Covid, the more direct the aircon fan is, the less standard masks are used, the greater our potential and chances of getting into Covid-19.

If just one Covid-19 enters our body, makes us fall ill with Covid? Certainly not. Not even if there are only hundreds of them. It takes about a thousand Covid-19 tails to make us fall sick. And that is obtained from the accumulation while we are in the Covid-polluted area. From one breath of the Covid carrier, around 20 Covid-19 tails will be released. Coughing up to 200 tails, sneezing thousands. So it just needs to be counted, how close we are to the Covid carrier, how long have we been in a room where the air already contains Covid, then how much Covid-19 has entered the body, by breaking through masks if the type is not standardized, or how to use it still leaves slits, or the mask is opened briefly, or during meal and drink times.

And if the number of Covid-19 that makes us sick will surely get us sick with Covid-19? Not necessarily. It depends on how strong our immune system is, what kind of condition and our health status. Elderly, have comorbid comorbidities, people with cancer, HIV-AIDS, immune disorders, autoimmune, different susceptibility to fall sick. Those who are immune may get sick (abort). But still carrying Covid in his body for some time. At least up to three weeks. Including those with OTG in people without symptoms.

That in a public place, it is not certain that there are Covid-19 carriers, of course it can happen so that even if the mask is not right, and the way to use it is wrong, and lingering in a closed room, or not wearing a mask at all, it may not be exposed to Covid. This experience builds a certainty in oneself and others, that the history of eating together at the restaurant, gathering at parties, or chatting together, apparently does not have to be exposed to Covid.

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. Even though it happened by coincidence, once again, because the coincidence that had happened was in an area where there were no Covid carriers, and the air they were in had not been contaminated with Covid. The conclusion that has experienced this, that being in a public place is actually safe can mislead both themselves and others who believe in it. Then it would be ridiculous if on the next opportunity he still believed in, which he did not know, if he happened to enter an area where the air was already polluted, and there was a Covid carrier there.

That is, to be free from the possibility that we are struck by the silliness of falling ill with Covid, how can we reduce the possibility of potential infection in high-risk public areas: cinemas, gyms, places of worship, restaurants, eating together, going to parties, and closed buildings with aircon. The more you limit yourself, the more you know yourself, the less likely you are to experience silliness. The more often you approach the gathering area and activities, the more likely you will experience silliness. Maybe it needs zero risk.

This impression is exaggerated. But theoretically it is like that. So without understanding in this detail how Covid-19 makes us sick, it is often unexpected. What happens if we are already sick by the unexpected, a point of no return. It is ridiculous just because you don’t think you are suffering from Covid-19, so that fever and coughs for a week are allowed, for example, then you have to lose your life due to Covid. Just because I didn’t expect it.

I also don’t think it’s an exaggeration that during this pandemic we always assume that everyone we meet, even if we know people, even our own children or relatives, have the potential to carry Covid-19. Why?

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Because we do not know before meeting us, who has this person been in contact with, our driver or household assistant during our trip to the house who we talk to, meet with whom, close to whom? Including vegetable vendors in front of the house, package deliverymen, we don’t know any previous history, it could be that they had contact with Covid carriers. Cases of parents transmitted to their own children who are still highly mobile outside the home, and other family clusters, are now increasingly emerging.

The question is, does knowing about Covid-19 in this detail make us nervous? Is it too much? Is that what should cause fear, depression, or anxiety? I think it doesn’t require that we have to be afraid, but rather that we should be alert. Making us aware, so that we can predict, suspect, what we have not thought about or have not yet thought about.

To all my friends, my friends, always give this picture, as detailed as this. That someone is ignorant is a personal decision. Yes, whatever, it’s a personal decision, and everyone’s right to respond. There are other personal considerations, for example, most of Covid-19, more than 95 percent will still heal itself (cell-limiting), and the Covid-19 mortality rate is only around 4-5 percent. However, for others, it might be better if you choose not to be sick, even though you can really heal on your own, and you don’t always have to lose your life.

For others, especially those at high risk of becoming seriously ill and / or critically ill, namely those who are already senior, at which age the immune system has decreased with age, chooses to “know yourself”, refrain from entering high-risk areas of infection. . If it is not a priority, and to what extent, for example just for shopping, or recreation, especially for those at risk, including those with comorbid comorbidities, the choice of attitude is to stay away from high-risk areas. Keep restraint.

Again, because Covid-19 is invisible. Room air can be cleaned with ultraviolet, with hepa, and high technology, and we still adhere to health protocols, the rest is just a personal decision, we shouldn’t have to follow other people’s attitudes if believing in yourself can risk experiencing silliness.

Greetings healthy,

*) Dr. Handrawan Nadesul