Nusantara Vaccine : Terawan Always Make The Best For State and Nation

Nusantara Vaccin

By Dar Edi Yoga
Media Practitioner
And a Founder of Beranda Ruang Diskusi

Without giving any promises, in that evening, our team along with a journalist from MNC group, Eko Ardiyanto met doctor Terawan at his office in Gatot Soebroto Army Central Hospital or RSPAD in Jakarta, Indonesia.
There was no bureaucracy to meet him. Everyone can always go to his office room just like when he was still the head of RSPAD.

His full name is Doctor Terawan Agus Putranto. His practice room is very different from his office room when he was the head of RSPAD, especially with his workplace when he was a minister of health.

Currently, Terawan came back
to work and serving every patient who needs his help.

When our team met him, he looked joyful and excited to welcome us. There was no burden on his face, even though he faces many problems such as being reshuffled from his position as minister.

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Terawan believes that every problem that exists, surely God has good intentions for him. Therefore he believes that he must always be grateful no matter what the situation is.
Terawan’s initiation for the Nusantara Vaccine reaped the pros and cons, as well as his findings on the treatment for stroke patients with DSA (Digital Substraction Angiography) method and heparin injection, where there are always people who doubt the effectiveness of this method.

However, Terawan has always been humble and tends to keep quiet when he is being bullied here and there. Even though thousands of stroke patients have been saved by using the brainwashing method or Brain SPA DSA. Starting from the high officials to the common people have experienced healing from DSA method.

The Nusantara Vaccine, which is the work of the nation’s children, is currently in the second phase of clinical trials, where the uniqueness of Nusantara Vaccine is personal and adjusting to the comorbid conditions of each individuals.

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The process is simple, it goes through an incubation period and a week later it becomes an individual vaccine until it is injected into the body of the patient who receives the vaccine. It is believed that the vaccine can provide immunity against Covid-19, because it becomes cellular immunity and will last for a long time.

If the Nusantara Vaccine is injected, the patient only receives an injection that comes from his own blood cells and not someone else’s. Furthermore, one injection is enough forever.

If all stages of clinical trials run smoothly, it will certainly be a big breakthrough in the health world and can make Indonesia as the best vaccine producer in the world.

The name of Nusantara Vaccine was proposed by a number of Islamic priests who have close relations with Terawan.

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Even though he has resigned from his position as minister, Doctor Terawan is still fighting for the nation by finding the best treatment for Covid-19 outbreak.

On various occasions, Terawan always said “This life should be a blessing for others”.

Terawan has served as a Chairman of the International Committee on Military Medicine (ICMM), world military doctor organization with 114 member countries. Hence, he knows what must be done to win in a “battle”.

Based on his dedication that has been given so far, it is not surprising that since 2019 until now he was given the position of Head of Honor at ICMM. The discovery of the DSA method from Terawan has also been acknowledged internationally.

The international world respects him very much, so why should we doubt Terawan’s integrity and ability when launching a clinical trial for Nusantara Vaccine?

Keep up the spirit General!!
(Editor: Hanini Imana)