Mysterious Voices Led a Boy into Deep Forest

Mysterious Voices Led a Boy into Deep Fores

Writer: Dir
Editor: Hanini Imana

MAMUJU- Officers were trying to trace Sardi (16), a boy who has been reported missing from Taan village, Tapalang, Mamuju, West Sulawesi Province, Indonesia.

Sardi admitted that before he lost his way home, he heard voices from the forest.

Then he let the voices guide him went through the forest.

“when I was in the garden, there was a voice. The mysterious voice invited me into the forest, then I followed the voice,” said Sardi after he was found by Search and Rescue Team officers who worked hard to seek him in deep forest.

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“I was not aware at that time and continued to follow the instructions from the voice” he continued.

After he regained consciousness, he felt scared and confused.

“I was looking for a way home but I was confused. I shouted for help but no one heard” he said.

The last contact he had with his family was on Friday, 5 Februry 2021. According to witness, Sardi went to the garden at 14.00 WITA and he never returned.

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According to Head of Tapalang Sub-District Police IPTU Basiran, the police work together with local residents had searched him but until Saturday (6/2/2021) we did not find Sardi.

“We have conducted investigations, searches with local residents and
Sub-district officials in the area but we have not found him,” Basiran said, on Sunday (7/2/2021).

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As reported by journalist with initial Dir from, group of, Basiran and his team then contacted The National Search and Rescue Agency of Mamuju to ask helping for searching .
Two days after Sardis’ disappearing in the deep forest without food supplies, the search and rescue team found Sardi in perfectly healthy condition.

The search came to a happy end on Sunday when Sardi was finally reunited with his family.(***)