Majene Will Received Profit Sharinv from Oil and Gas of Sebuku Blok Immediately

Majene – Dreaming and Hoping Majene people to receive profit sharing from oil and gas exploration di Lerek-lerekan island in Makassar strait that have been pioneered for years will be a reality.

Draft of regional regulation in making Majene regional company for profit sharing of oil and gas exploration in Ledek-ledekan Island that operate by PT Pear Oil Ltd in Sebuku blok have find a bright way

“Memorandum Understanding stimulated ideas and agreement to get 10% share from oil and gas exploration” Budi Sulistyo as Director of Regional Company of Majene District said. This memorandum of understanding sign in Aviary Hotel of Bintaro Jakarta, along with Vice of Majene Regent recently.

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As have been mentioned by group (21/9) Budi explained that there were Participating Interest (PI) in building partnership with operator of Sebuku block

“Majene people have to gratitude because collective effort by government, political figure and public figur to get profit sharing from Sebuku block could realized.