Remembering 40 Days Jakob Oetama ‘Mercusuar Pers Indonesia’

JAKARTA – The founder of Kompas Gramedia, Jakob Oetama is known as a complete person. That is the knot of the various impressions that many people have had contact with, either directly or indirectly.

According to Muhammad Nasir’s view – former Deputy Editorial Secretary of Kompas and Chairperson of the Kompas Council and Chair of the Kompas Humanitarian Fund.

Jacob Oetama is judged as a complete personality (extra ordinary), this can be traced from his birth, his work and his creations.

“The life journey and the figure of Jakob Oetama – as if it were his paradise garden, are always interesting to write and read,” he said in the event to commemorate Jakob Oetama’s 40 days, Sunday (18/10/2020).

Nasir said — when he was entrusted with being the Chairperson of the Humanitarian Fund and Chair of the Kompas Council, he considered that Jakob Oetama had high humanism. Caring and conscientious.
In 1966, Jakob Oetama’s social spirit was high and he founded Dompet Kemanusiaan (the Humanity Wallet) to raise aid for the community.

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The deceased often asked how many donations from Kompas readers came in? Because for Jakob, the value of the donations that come in shows the level of public trust in Kompas.

“Even so, he was very thorough, the name of the ustaz in taklim was always asked by him, his background was also about other minor matters. It doesn’t go unnoticed, so it’s no exaggeration if the figure of Jakob Oetama is extra ordinary,” said Nasir, who is currently the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of, cyber media in English.

Meanwhile, Kompas’ Editorial Chief, Tri Agung Kristanto, said that the model of Jakob Oetama was an inspiration to see Indonesians in a deeper way.

“Mr. Jakob Oetama has built and maintained the spirit of ‘mini Indonesia’ in Kompas,” he said in the event to commemorate Jakob Oetama’s 40 days,  as reported by Sunday (18/10/2020).

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At 40 days after his death, Kompas as an “ideological child” wants to remember, explore, taste, and learn from the complete personality of Jakob Oetama.

The two-book of Kompas contains reflections on various experiences with the late Jakob Oetama during his lifetime.

The two books are entitled Warisan Sang Pemula (The Beginner’s Legacy) and Kisah Kecil Bermakna Besar (the Small Story with Big Meaning).

“I think these two books are not enough to commemorate the extraordinary figure of Mr. Jakob Oetama,” said Tri Agung.

Through the small stories in the book Kisah Kecil Bermakna Besar, readers are invited to draw meaningful inspiration from Mr. Jakob’s daily life.

Not only as a leader who is loved by his children, both biological children and children in terms of employees.

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“Mr. Jakob is known as a leader who is simple, warm, friendly, wise, generous, learner, but also humorous,”

Meanwhile, in the book Warisan Sang Pemula, the number one person in Indonesia, President Joko Widodo, mentioned the deceased as a lighthouse for the Indonesian Press who really loved the press world.

He was said to be a true journalist, with high criticality who was conveyed in a smooth and polite manner.

“He socializes closely with all circles, is loyal indefinitely to the principles of journalism, democracy, diversity, humanity and society,” said President Jokowi quoting from the contents of the book.

Apart from the memories from President Jokowi, there are memories from other high-ranking officials that are summarized in the book, such as Cardinal Suharyo, Former Vice President Jusuf Kalla, Intellectual Ahmad Syafii Maarif and so on.

Anang Fadhilah