SMSI 4th Anniversary: The Event to Proceed Well, Filled with Success Stories of Press Figures

JAKARTA – The 4th anniversary of the Indonesian Cyber Media Union (SMSI) was held simply at the SMSI Jakarta Press Club Building, Jalan Veteran II 7C, Gambir, Central Jakarta, Sunday (7/3).

Marked by cutting Tumpeng and blowing candles by the Chairman of SMSI Firdaus, SMSI’s birthday event during the Covid-19 Pandemic was used to listen to the success stories of five legendary press founders in the country.

The press figures reviewed for their exemplary examples were Adam Malik, P.K. Ojong, Jakob Oetama, Buya Hamka and Fachrodin. Deputy Chief Editor of Kompas Daily, Tri Agung Kristanto, who was the main speaker at the birthday of the cyber press entrepreneur organization, a constituent of the Press Council, was also asked by the committee to tell the examples of the founders of Intisari Magazine and Kompas Daily: the legendary P. K. Ojong and Jakob Oetama.

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Tri Agung delivered his speech interspersed with jokes that made the audience, most of the SMSI administrators, look relaxed and smile.

Tri Agung conveyed the leadership styles of Ojong and Jakob. Ojong tends to be tough, while Jakob is flexible in managing Kompas to stay alive.

“The dead cannot be invited by anything, but the living can be invited to fight, defend the truth, justice and advance democracy,” Tri Agung quoted Jakob as saying.

Many valuable lessons from Ojong and Jakob were conveyed by Tri Agung in welcoming SMSI’s birthday. According to the Secretary General of SMSI, M. Nasir, the SMSI Anniversary was deliberately designed to listen to the success stories of inspiring press figures, so that SMSI members, who are mostly young entrepreneurs in the press sector, have an idea of how to manage a good company.

Following the successful example of Ojong-Jakob, the Head of Foreign Affairs of the SMSI, Aat Surya Safaat, explained the success story of Adam Malik in managing and developing the Antara News Agency.

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Then, the Head of Education and Training for SMSI, Retno Intani, explained that Buya Hamka who struggled in managing Panji Masyarakat and Fachrodin who managed Soewara Moehammadijah lived a long life.

Haji Fachrodin is a pioneer of the Muhammadiyah press. This early generation of Muhammadiyah cadres and figures learned a lot from the founder of Muhammadiyah, KH Ahmad Dahlan, as well as self-taught.

Although he did not receive a general education, he grew up to be a sharp and respected writer. Fachrodin became the first person to lead the editor-in-chief of Soewara Moehammadijah magazine. He pioneered the publication of the media in 1915 and became the first Chief Editor, while KH Ahmad Dahlan was in the editorial ranks.

The attendees of the SMSI Anniversary apparently still wanted to get a more detailed story from the press figures, some even wanted a question and answer session to be opened, but the time was already at 12.00. The SMSI management who attended came from the Central Board, DKI Jakarta, Banten (including the cities / regencies of Tangerang and South Tangerang), and West Java (including Bekasi).

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From the Central SMSI management, among others, Taufiq and Ervik Ari Susanto (advisor), Hersubeno Arief (Secretary of the Council of Experts), Ilona Juwita (Head of Business Cooperation and Development), Dr. Retno Intani (Head of Education and Training), and Wilson Bernardus Lumi (Head of Data Collection and Verification).

Apart from being attended by SMSI management who are also managers of the press media, this event was also attended by a number of media leaders, including the person in charge / editor in chief of; Agus Hermawan.
