Without Politics the People Can Wretched

by: M Syarbani Haira *)


Rabithah Melayu Banjar, a collaborative association, for the benefit of the Malay and Banjar people, has just held its first congress, in Tanjung, Tabalong Regency, South Kalimantan, March 16 – 17 2023 to be precise. As one of the leaders of the association that was just established in August 2022, I am Often come, and asked many parties, about this historic event. Moreover, the willingness of the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Mr. Ir Haji Joko Widodo, who wishes to attend, adds to the curiosity of many parties, how can an institution that is not yet well-known, still “snotty” and only as old as the corn, be willing to head the 4th largest state in the world present ? The place is quite far, about 6 hours by road from the city of Banjarmasin. Besides, this area is rather isolated, in the northernmost area of ​​South Kalimantan.


Among the questions that always arise are, is this activity related to a political mission?

Hearing this brief question, I really want to laugh out loud, but I don’t dare. First, if this question is asked of a rooster, it is rare for a thief to answer it honestly. Second, this theme is actually not to be asked about, but to be observed, provoked, scrutinized, and cancelled. Are there indicators of the congress related to politics (practically). Third, if there is also, is it something wrong? Is this a grave sin, for example, if in this country there are social religious activities, political (practical) freedoms?


I was immediately reminded of the elementary content of political science lectures, when I was a student in the “gudeg” city of Ngayogyakarta in the late 1970s. The main reference book at that time was written by Miriam Budiardjo, entitled “Fundamentals of Political Science”. Until now this book is still a reference, and even if I am asked to give a lecture, I often quote it.

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In this context, politics can be seen in a practical, simple way, as politicians have done, through political institutions and political parties. Substantively, politics means an attempt to seize power, or teach power. In essence, being in politics wants to be in power.


Besides that, politics can also be interpreted in a broader perspective, academically, and more conceptually. In this case politics is a policy, a step or policy, for a country, to achieve people’s welfare (welfare). Here politics is meaningful as a step in state policy, making or designing development administration, for the welfare of its people, as well as for advancing the nation and the country.


Unfortunately, this political concept that is extraordinarily genuine and brilliant is not well understood by many parties. Hatta by those who actually have to understand it correctly. Politics is often only seen as an arena for the struggle for power, which in certain cases does sometimes lead to chaos, conflict and chaos, as well as chaos.


Because it was contaminated with this erroneous understanding, when the Banjar Malay Rabithah Conference held a “Joint Prayer and Istighosyah” for the peace and tranquility of this beloved nation, the association was that this was a political movement. Then look for arguments, and connect relationships, to conclude if this noble event has political (practical) content. Because of this issue, speculation arose that this event had to be canceled, and the president was not fit to attend. Not only that, even a religious mass organization wants to be dragged into rejecting this noble activity. Luckily they still use common sense, which according to them there is no reason to cancel the joint prayer and istighosyah.


Apart from all that, it’s time for us to understand politics from a national, humanitarian, and state perspective. Every nation and state, including its people, cannot be separated from political problems. With this politics we can have an independent country, which has freedom, which can work. Innovate and create, responsibly.

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It is also through this politics that state institutions are structured, which in Greek philosophical theory, is called the Trias Politica, in this case there are Legislative, Executive and Judiciary.


Legislatives are the People’s Representatives, whether it’s the DPR or MPR, and DPD in Indonesia. Their job is to make laws, design budgets, state finances, and oversee development. The executive, in this case the president and his cabinet, from the center to the regions, carry out developments that have been designed in general by the legislature. Other mandates aside from development, namely the duties of defense and security, as well as public order. Then there is the judiciary, whose main task is to carry out the mandate of law enforcement, courts, and the like.


To this day, this model is adopted by almost all countries around the world, including Indonesia. Trias politica becomes a central element in the development of a nation. Everything is political work. Everything is part of political activity. If there are no political institutions, then everything will never exist. There is no development (toll roads, airports, bridges, etc.), people’s welfare will not be achieved, and there will never be a developed country, as expected and dreamed of.


People’s welfare will never be achieved without political practice. The security of a country cannot happen without political design. Likewise with public order, it will also be difficult to create, without political contributions. Including issues of peace, religious practices, cultural preservation, and the dynamics of civilization, all of which become nonsense, if there is no political policy. All of us could actually suffer, even wretched, if there were no political practices in the life of the state and nation.

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Therefore, let us not be cynical about all sides of the world of politics. That in terms of behavior, there are bad politicians, we can watch it together. If there really are rotten politicians who are still on the guerrilla movement, and are adventuring in a cultured, civilized society that lives in peace, then just act. But not all social activities like to be associated with politics, which in the end is actually the result of orders from the politicians themselves.


Therefore, on the basis of conscience, and on the basis of our spiritual beliefs, it is better for all of us elements of the nation in this country to build a culture, a new civilization, to respect each other, and respect each other, without having to make accusations and speculation, which can lead to chaos in a peaceful culture.


It is also good for all of us to respect each other, tolerate each other, in accordance with the doctrine of Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution, as well as our respective spiritual beliefs, which indeed always teach their servants, to always think constructively, towards all noble ideas and ideas, whose benefits to the wider community will become a reality.


Hopefully we all get taufik and guidance from God Almighty, and be kept away from all His Wrath. Especially in this month of Ramadan, we should open our hearts wide, to reveal what is good and what is bad. Where is the benefit and where is the harm. Amen ya rabbal alamien. Wallahu’alam bissawab … !!!


*) M Syarbani Haira, Board of Founders Rabithah Malay Banjar